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It was late night.

I remember the chill in the air and the weight of numerous textbooks clasped between my tight grip.

"Goodnight Mrs. Parker" I said to the old librarian. Her grey hair gently  blew across her face as a light wind rushed through the opened door.

"Goodnight Erica, and get some sleep" she called after me as I walked through the door.

I was the last one outside the campus library except Mr. Cleveland.

I took a gulp of fresh air preparing myself for the fifteen minutes walk to my apartment building.

The streets were empty. Not a soul  in sight. This area wasn't particularly known for housing night owls.

The street lights shone a pale yellow glow on the parked cars below them, casting dark shadows against the pavement.

Dark shadowed buildings loomed over me. Almost as unsettling as the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of my stomach.

I cast a quick glance behind me .

There was nothing.


I heard faint footsteps not too far behind and knew I was being followed.

I hastened my steps to the upbeat rhythmic drum of my heart.

Memories of the resent murders and kidnappings reported on the news flashed before my eyes.

Why hadn't I thought about that before deciding to take  a jolly night stroll?

I was ripped from my thoughts as a firm calloused hand griped the exposed skin of my shoulder.
My loud scream pierced the silence before another hand clasped firmly against my lips.

That was the beginning of the end.

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