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Important A/N at the end


"Room service" She calls from the other side of the door.

I awake from my trance and
stare down at my hands stained by crimson blood.

He's dead.

I killed him.

Where's the body? Where did I put it? I can't remember.

What am I doing here? How had this begun?

"Room service" She calls again and this time I glance at the narrow piece of wood.

Just a piece of wood between freedom and constraints.

Hopefully she'll go away soon and not be my doom.

I look around me and is shocked to see the state of my surroundings.

The bedsheets are covered in blood, the pillows are thrown around the floor,clothes and art supplies are scattered everywhere, red paint stains the carpet and the walls...the walls are the darkest black I have ever seen.

"Room service"

This is a mess.

What should I do now?

Why did I do this? What exactly did I do?

What about starting med school next month, vacation to the Bahamas, volunteering at the children's home, planning mom's birthday party and finally showcasing my art?

I'm suddenly blanketed by a sence of calm . As if my panic had been washed away and as if driven by an unseen force I walk towards the bed and start cleaning.

It's making me do this. It's taking over. I'm losing control.

My sanity is threatened by the secret side of me hidden from society and far from reality. It scratches at my soul and makes me feel unwhole. I can't help but be like a monster.

I feel it awaken again. It's right beneath the skin and nothing else can get in.

The phone rings and she lets it go unanswered.

I hear the click of the door being opened. It makes a loud screech of protest.

I slowly turn my gaze towards the unlucky intruder.

* Important*

This chapter is open to interpretation. It isn't clear if this even actually happened or if it's all in her/his head but I have to say that I am aware of the negative ways in which certain mental illnesses are portrayed in movies e.t.c
That is not my intention. This is not meant to be offensive and I hope it's not. I am not an expert on the subject so please do not take this chapter as an informed source and please be aware that this is a work of fiction.

I had a bit of a challenge finishing this and I got inspiration from the song 'Monster' by skillet .

Thank you for reading ✨💖

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