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*trigger warning*


"Good evening. My name is sky and I'm an a-addict."

"Good evening Sky." they reply with their broken voices.

Their empty eyes stared back at me and it gave me motivation to continue sharing. I'm not alone in my suffering and that gives me comfort, as messed up as it sounds.

"Continue Sky" Our group therapist says with a reassuring smile. I glance around the circle before beginning to speak again.

"I don't have much memories from childhood but what I do remember was mom and dad constantly fighting. It wasn't in a we're getting divorced kind of way. It was a I'm never letting go and I'll make your life a living hell type of thing. Mom would sometimes make breakfast but every time she did it was only for me and my brother. She would take us to school before dad even got out of bed at that didn't even make sense  because we were usually an hour early. Soon dad stopped coming home and mom invested her time in the bakery and will who turned seventeen joined a street gang. There wasn't much I could do. There never is. I started using after it all got too much to ignore anymore. It was either drugs or a tub of blood and I chose the former.  It was never my intention to go this far but it was always there offering a free embrace. It became my sanctuary. I soon became dependent on the only thing in life that gave me peace. Mom and dad never noticed that I was always high and since will was almost never home either it wasn't hard to keep it a secret. I didn't think I had a problem until 
it became routine to take something before school,  I couldn't remember classes, my grades were sh*t, I pushed away all my friends , I got into fights,  sometimes I didn't take showers and it was the same t-shirt and sweatpants for days, the tremors started , I found myself willing to go to illegal means to get a fix. My problems became ten times worst aaaand I had a pretty bad withdrawal two weeks ago. If it wasn't for being in the middle of nowhere on a camping trip I don't know if I would have ever stopped on my own. After I was brought to the hospital my parents were called and for the first time in a long time they seemed to be on the same side. To say they were shocked is an understatement. It was a Saturday and they couldn't get a hold of will. They started asking questions from there on. I can't imagine how horrified they were that their daughter is a addict and their son is in a gang but how horrifying was it from our perspective? Things have slowly been getting better since then and the world isn't so messed up anymore . I began seeing life from a new perspective and it might not be perfect but overcoming one day at a time is a step closer to happiness.*sigh*"

"Thank you for sharing"

I started typing a chapter that I already wrote but a few words in and I drifted away from that  aaaand this just came to life. I'm not so sure about this one. I think this is the most words in a chapter so far.

Thank you for reading ✨💖

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