Captivate; Part 1.1

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captivate (verb)
to attract and hold the attention or interest of, as by beauty or excellence; enchant


It started with the lily. It was simple, delicate, vibrant. The flower was completely in bloom; its petals and sepals - six in total - opened to the sky creating a soft cloud of cream which cradled the bulby filaments. A delicate stem peeked from behind the petals and extended towards his fist with three leaves peppering the trail. It reminded her of summer, of the time when her dad would plant those same flowers in their beds to please her mum. It brought back memories of her younger self peeking through their kitchen window to track the flowers' growth day by day. She could almost smell their sweet scent when she looked at the rendering on his skin.

It was no longer than the length of the ballpoint pen she was chewing at when she first glimpsed it. There she was at the library of the restored Godric's Hollow (she and Ron had full access to the estate, of course), minding her own business and doing her work with the aid of the vast collection of books he had collected over the years, when she heard an apparition pop. She thought it was Ron who came back because he had left something behind (as was typical of Ron to be forgetful and her other best friend was away for work and not due to come back 'til a week later) so she came out into the foyer to greet him and help him in his search. She padded down the halls barefoot with the pen in her mouth and her thoughts trying to connect ideas for her latest Ministry project when she saw him and she saw it.

He was facing her though his head was bent down looking at the mobile phone on his right hand. His left arm was hanging loosely by his side so she saw the mark on his inner arm but wasn't quite sure what it was. Did he burn himself? Did he get hurt during his trip? She was about to run to him to check when the phone in her pocket chimed with the tone that was saved especially for him.

Here comes the sun

Doo doo doo doo ~

His head snapped up as the familiar Beatles song echoed through the halls of Godric's Hollow and a smile so bright illuminated his face. His arms fell open to take her in between them. But instead of hugging him, she grasped his left forearm and the pen fell from her parted lips when she gasped in worry.

"Harry! What is this? Did you hurt -" She turned quiet when she saw the ink lily on his skin.

He gently rested his hands at the sides of her hips and turned his left forearm up so she could better see the flower. He gave her a lopsided grin. "You worry too much, Hermione. It's just a tattoo."

Just a tattoo? Hermione thought as she felt her mouth go dry at the sight of the flower. It stunned her. She didn't know Harry was the tattoo-getting type, not that she had any problems with tattoos. She just never expected her best friend to get one himself. They're so permanent. She couldn't even imagine deciding what tattoo to get for herself since she didn't know what she would want on her skin for quite literally forever.

At her stunned silence, Harry's grip tightened on her hips and he bent down to level his eyes with hers which were still trained on his forearm.

"Are you okay, Hermione? Do you like it?" He asked. Her eyes glazed and she brought her hand down to trace the tattoo with an index finger.

Did she like it? My goodness, yes... yes she liked it. It was so captivating for it created such a startling contrast. The tattoo was so delicate, so exquisite. It was so lifelike that her fingertips gently traced its pattern for fear of breaking one of the petals. Harry, on the other hand, was anything but delicate. He was so strong. Years of Auror training, not to mention the years leading up to the war, made him that way. He was tall, muscular, capable. The fragile flower inked on his firm forearm was such a juxtaposition. And Hermione smiled, because it was also another testament of how sure and confident Harry was of himself. He willingly chose a flower, something so delicate and soft and what many perceived to be a sign of femininity, to be on his body forever. Hermione was amazed and simply captivated.

"I do, Harry. It's... beautiful. But why did you get a tattoo?" Hermione asked. Of a lily? She silently added. She had an idea but she wanted him to confirm.

He smiled at her and drew her further in an embrace with his right arm and extended his left so the tattoo would remain visible. "I wanted to be reminded of the people I loved and the people I've lost. I know it's permanent but that's part of the reason. Even if mum isn't with me right now, her memory will stay with me forever."

Hermione felt tears stinging her eyes. "Oh Harry..."

"It's been eight years since the war, you know." Harry whispered. Hermione nodded mutely and buried her face into his chest. The tattooed arm snaked around her to hold her firmly in place. "We lost so many people during the war and the years leading up to it. I'm... I'm okay now. I know that I've healed." Harry said and Hermione remembered. She remembered how destructive he was after Voldemort fell. He was so volatile, so depressed. Part of the reason, as his mind healer told him and he told her, was something called "survivor's guilt". He felt guilty that he lived through the war while so many perished. Harry thought that so many of his beloved friends and family were gone from this world because of him. But like he said, he healed. Years of therapy and Auror work plus support from friends like Hermione and Ron drove him out of the darkness and back into light. "I know it's not my fault that they died, Hermione. I know that now. But I still want to remember. I loved - no, still love them - so I don't ever want to forget."

She knew then and there she had fallen in love with his tattoo.

Hermione nodded her head and hugged Harry equally as hard. Through her tears and runny nose, she said, "Then it's perfect, Harry. It's the perfect reminder to have with you all the time. It's beautiful."

Harry gently pried her from her chest and brought up his left hand to wipe the tears away. She could see the inked lily at the corner of her sight. He gave her a lopsided grin and those eyes, the emeralds with gold and amber flecks, only got brighter. "The lily is only the beginning Hermione," he said almost slyly. "There will be more."

Hermione felt herself grin and nodded with dampened cheeks. "Then I can't wait to see them." 


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