Chapter 15: Levi

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Blood filled Levi's mouth as he ripped into yet another Rogue. It was now lying limp underneath him, but no matter how many he killed, it didn't appear to make a difference. Their numbers seemed impossibly great, as if they had gathered every Rogue on the continent for this assault.

Still, he couldn't stop. So he jumped into the fray once again, snarling and biting and clawing until his enemies fell before him. Mud slipped in between his toes, coated his fur, but he didn't have time to be concerned with cleanliness now. His only focus was keeping his pack alive.

The chaos of the battle was so great that he didn't scent her as she approached. He only heard her calling his name – softly at first, then louder and louder. He knew that voice.

By the stars.

Levi nearly had a heart attack when he turned to see his mate stumbling through the fray, narrowly avoiding the tangles of struggling werewolves. She couldn't attack, because she couldn't tell who was a part of the pack and who was a Rogue. The only wolf she knew was him.

He was at her side in an instant, snarling angrily, telling her to get out of here. However, she wasn't intimidated in the slightest. She merely looked him in the eyes and said, "You're my mate. I'm with you, to whatever end."

The next noise that escaped Levi's throat next was more akin to a whine, but still, (f/n) wouldn't budge. As if to prove her point, she tossed a sack of explosive powder over his shoulder, taking out the Rogue that had approached without his knowledge, because he was too focused on her.

"We're stronger together," she reminded him.

Levi gritted his teeth. He didn't like the thought of her in danger, but she wasn't giving him a choice. He couldn't leave the battle to haul her away – his pack needed him. Besides, as much as he wanted to argue, (f/n) wasn't wrong. They made a good team. He just hoped they were good enough.

He put his back to her, knowing that she understood. A second later, he heard her adjust her position, watching his back just as he watched hers. And they gave the Rogues hell.

Eventually, the seemingly infinite onslaught of enemies began to ebb. It was clear now – the pack would win. Yet, the Rogues weren't willing to give up, even when victory was unattainable. They would go down fighting, and they would take as many of Levi's packmates with them as they could.

Naturally, Levi wasn't about to let that happen, and with (f/n) at his side – throwing fireballs and making things explode – he was all the more deadly. His mate really was a marvel. Not only did she have incredible powers, but she adapted so that the differences in their fighting styles could be a benefit rather than a hinderance.

Then it happened.

A Rogue lunged at Levi, and after a dizzying match of claws and teeth, he managed to throw the enemy off. However, he was so disoriented that he didn't realize where he was kicking – not until the Rogue's body slammed into (f/n), sending her flying into a tree. Her head smacked against the trunk, and then her delicate body slumped to the ground.

She didn't move after that.

Panic – like nothing he had ever known – consumed Levi. No, no, she couldn't die. Not his (f/n). Not his mate.


He was so distracted that he would have been torn to ribbons by the next Rogue to rush him, were it not for the fact that Mike appeared to save his skin.

"She's fine!" the Gamma roared. "Keep your head in the fight!"

Mike was right. As Levi stared at (f/n), he could see it – the precious rise and fall of her chest. She was still breathing. But if Levi didn't get his act together, neither one of them would be breathing for much longer.

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