6th Visit, after 'Fear Not'

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FOREWARN: This is made to celebrate 1 year to when 'Fear Not' premired on TV. Also, there is a reference to one of my Big Hero 6 /PJ Masks crossover fanfics.


Diego Cruz visited Callaghan, to talk to him about capturing Supersonic Sue and her grandson Supersonic Stu.

He also showed him the pictures Krei sent to his phone, of the Buddy Guardians.

Robert stared at the photos incredulously. The Buddy Guardians, they looked so powerful, so strong, so ready to take out any justice breaker.

But on one of the photos, Robert just so happened to notice a strange figure on one of the photos.

He almost wanted to ask who it was, but decided not to, knowing full well Diego would know that he would blab out about what was going on.

Once Diego put his phone away, he told him all about his encounter with Big Hero 6, especially about when Wasabi escaped.

"I guess one member of Big Hero 6 has fears, huh?" Robert said. "This student I used to know, has acrophobia, a fear of heights." 

"Interesting." Diego said.

Of course Diego did know his patient was talking about Wasabi, but what he didn't know was that Callaghan was pretending he didn't know Wasabi, hopefully to divert his attention away from Big Hero 6.

"Well," Diego said, "whilst we're on the subject of fears, what fears do you have?"

"I have autophobia, the fear of being alone." Robert stated. "I've been having it ever since I lost my Abigail in the portal, and it's become even more stronger, ever since I was locked up in prison."

"But I've gotten over it; mostly." he said. "As my therapist, you're a good friend."

Diego smiled fondly. Nobody had ever considered him a friend before.

"So, umm, Diego, what fear do you have?" Robert asked his therapist.

"Well," Diego said, "as a police officer, I'm not really afraid of anything , except anything that isn't outta the ordinary, like that glowing stone bear in Muirahara Woods."

Robert nodded.

"But, truth be told," Diego Cruz said, "I have Lepidopterophobia, a fear of butterflies and moths."

Robert gulped.

"It's... kinda funny you should mention that, Diego." Robert said uneasily.

"Why?" Diego asked his patient.

Robert Callaghan bit his bottom lip. He wasn't sure if he was gonna be able to tell his therapist this secret, without totally freaking him out. But he knew he had to.

"Well, you see," Robert said, "a few weeks ago, I had a visit from my niece, Luna Girl."

"You have a niece?" Diego asked.

Robert nodded. "She's... very special. She rides around on a lunarboard, uses a Luna Magnet, ahd is accompanied by.... a pack of moths."

Diego's heart began to pound. "You d-didn't just say... m-moths?" he said, shakily.

Robert nodded grimly. Who was he to lie to his therapist, after all.

"But it gets even stranger," Robert said. 

"How stranger?" Diego asked.

"Well, 'stranger' is a relative word." he added.

"How stranger?" Diego asked.

"Well," Robert said, "she recently just had a new sister."

"Well, congratulations to her, I guess." Diego said.

"Her name's Motsuki," Robert said. "And..." he added sheepishly, "she's.... a moth. A giant living moth."

Diego's jaw dropped.

"It's true," Robert said, with a honest chuckle. "I'm an uncle to a giant living moth."

"Wow." Diego said. "That, is not quite the weirdest thing i've ever heard of."


Author's Note:

Happy anniversary, to Fear Not, the Penultimate ep of Series 2 of Big Hero 6 the Series!


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