3rd Visit: After 'Portal Enemy'

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The next day, following the events with Sirque, the acrobatic thief, Diego Cruz went to visit Robert Callaghan at the San Fransokyo Prison.

"Robert Callaghan." Diego said, getting Callaghan's attention. The prisoner sat up on his bed.

"Here am I." Robert said, facing Diego, who sat down on the bed.

"Are you familiar with the old KreiTech project 'Silent Sparrow'?" Diego asked him.

Robert's eyes widened. All the memories flowed back to him; he remembered that project all too well.

The same KreiTech project that his daughter Abigail was in, which went wrong, and forced him to turn into his path towards villainy, which included: the slaughter of his best student, Tadashi Hamada, the theft of his brother Hiro's invention, the microbots, the supervillain identity as Yokai, and his attempted attack on KreiTech, then his defeat, arrest, and incarceration in solitary confinement.

"I can't say I'm not." He said to Diego. "Why do you ask?"

"Some days ago, I got words of it being used by this thief; Sirque," Diego said, holding a picture of Sirque. "She was using the portal technology to rob the banks."

"I remember it," Robert said to Diego. "The technology was unstable, so that meant the portals could cause city-wide destruction if they exploded." He paused impressively. "It'd be like history repeating itself." he added, remembering when his daughter was lost to the portal. Memories flashed back to him.

'Krei! You did this! You knew it wasn't ready!'

'Abigail is gone!'

'I want my daughter back!'

'Was my daughter... a setback?!"

The words echoed in his head. He even remembered seeing Abigail when she was saved, and he was arrested.

Then, he remembered what Hiro said to him when he left the prison.

'Tadashi would've, um, wanted me to forgive you.... Someday, I hope I can.'

Not for the first time since his prison sentence, Callaghan let himself mourn. Tears flowed from his eyes, down the sides of his face, and soaked into the material of his prison uniform. A loud sob escaped his throat.

"There, there, Robert." Diego said, trying to calm his patient down. "Let it go."

He pulled Robert into a hug, which caused Robert to calm down. Using the sleeve of his prison uniform, he quickly removed the evidence of his breakdown. Here, in front of Diego Cruz, the therapist who was also San Fransokyo's police chief, it would only be seen as a weakness.

"Look, Robert," he added, "My daughter Megan posted her article about Big Hero 6 in her school's newspaper." He showed him it on his phone.

Robert read it, and instantly saw it was about why Big Hero 6's identities should be kept a secret. He felt a wave of relief splash into his heart; knowing full well that Big Hero 6's identities were still kept secret.... for the time being.

"I guess we know that a superhero knows they have to keep their identities secret." Robert said.

"Something like that." Diego said. 

Once Diego had left, Robert lay on his prison bed, thinking about Big Hero 6. "Don't worry, Hiro," He said to himself. "You and your friends' secret is safe with me. Even if it takes every last drop of my life, I will protect your secret of Big Hero 6. That is a promise."

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