Chapter 8: Tales From The Future

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(Los Angeles, Country Roads, 6: 35 PM)


There was an awkward silence in the truck, and I couldn't help but to notice that Robbie's hand was still bleeding. Dang, I didn't mean to bite him that bad. But, he did scare me. And I decided to finally get his blood out of my mouth, with a paper towel. And now, my mouth is going to taste like blood for quite awhile.

We were on the road for a little while longer, until the vehicle slowly stopped.


Robbie, what did you do to my truck?

Robbie didn't answer, he was too concentrated trying to start it back up. After awhile of trying he fell back into his seat, and sighed.


Well folks, we're officially walking.


Wait, HUH?


Well, great.


Then we better start walking now.

Everyone got out, and then I did. I grabbed my bag, and slowly closed the door.


So, where we walking to?

Robbie was staring at a very large map of LA, and pointed towards a place called "Big Cabin". "Big Cabin" is a motel mixed with a diner, and a convenient store, all in one building.


We'll head here. And we can take a shortcut here, and that leads out of here. OK, yeah that works.

I had no idea where we were going, but I knew what our destination was. Robbie started to slowly walk ahead, and we all tried to keep up with him. This is actually a nightmare, trying to speed walk with an army experienced person was hell.

After an hour of walking, I was already getting REALLY cold. I never knew why, but the cold and me were never really friends. While I think Anya and Brooke were doing alright, I could tell Assya was getting tired and Kaitlyn looked exhausted.


Come on guys, we're almost there.


We should probably stop for a little bit, Kegan is shivering like hell, I don't know if Assya can even hardly walk anymore...


Are you guys going to complain the whole way?

Robbie seemed like he was distant, he seemed he was in someway hurt? I don't really know, I'm just jumping to conclusions at this point. Whatever he's going through, its kind of effecting him.


Hey, come on. Not everyone is buff like you and can walk a whole day.


Anya's right. We gotta stop, we can't push ourselves like this.


If you wanna stay alive, you will KEEP walking.

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