Chapter 10: Your Touch

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(16+ Sexual Content In This Chapter)

(Los Angeles, Big Cabin, 10: 30 PM)


I was slowly losing intrest of the window I was looking through, so I sat on the bed and turned on the TV. And of course, the NEWS was playing. It was talking about the android that was after me and the others, I hope Robbie didn't go too far. I remembered I put my laptop in my bag, I walked over to my bag and got it out. I laid it on the bed, and started doing research of the T-800. Or, that's what Robbie calls it. Suddenly, there is a ring tha comes from the room's phone. I get up, and I walk over and pick it up. It was my mother, she seemed odly calm.


Hello Dear, I've been so worried about you. Can you tell me where you are?

I was confused why my mother would ask such a thing, especially after I told her I was being watched by friends. But I replied with a sinscre tone.


Umm, sure? I am at "Big Cabin" It's like a gas station but it's close to a town. Some small town, I don't remember what it's called.

The only reason why I told her that, Is because I wanted help her feel reassured. And to help her know that I'm still alive.


Are you sure you don't know what town?


Yeah, but please don't come looking for me. At least not right now.


Well, alright. I love you sweetie, goodbye.


Love you!

She hangs up, and I put the phone back. That conversation was strange, mom wouldn't ask me that and it was short. She ussually wants to talk for atleast an hour. I geuss she's just really worried about me. Either way, I went and sat next to my laptop once again. I noticed that there wasn't alot of information about the T-800 project, probably since I'm only in 2021. And Robbie came from 2025, man they have robots who go back in time to kill people in 2025? Cool! But at the same time, scary. And it also turns out it's not an android at all, it's a cyborg with flesh.

Time passes and I warm something up to eat, and eventually I see the door slide open. It scared me for a seconed but it was just robbie, he was holding abunch of sacks with certain materials used to make the bombs he was talking about.


Got what we needed.

He sats it all on the counter, and I start opening the sacks.


Mmmm, Nitrogliceren, Hydreperoxide, and Viniger. So, what are we having for supper?

I said with a jokly tone, and I look back at him.


Haha, no. Instead I'm going to teach you how to make something badass.

Depends on what Robbie's defention of "Badass" is.

He lays materials out and he takes off the hoodie he was wearing, he then sits in a chair and takes a few things out of a sack near him.

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