Advice to the 44th

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"Hey Jackleg, tell us again how you convinced Barack Obama to run for president."

"Well look...., you can laugh all you want, but if I told you once, I told you twice, all I did was give the man some good advice.

He was a young Cat doing some good work in the community, So I made it my point to be in his vicinity.

I met him at a bar and he was lookin all sad, I said cheer up young blood, life can't be all that bad.

He said, "I'm in love with this woman and she won't give me the time of day."

So I said to the young blood, "Don't give up, try anyway. Women play hard to get sometimes just to see if you really want to stay.

So I told him, "Don't be discouraged , just stay up on It . If she's a good woman it will all be worth it.

Tell her she's the best thing you ever seen, and that all you want to do is make her your queen.

Tell her your making moves, that you'll be President one day and that all you want is for her to be first lady...,ok?"

He looked at me once then looked at me again, it was like a light went off in that big old head.

He got off the stool and then ran out the bar. He ran down the block, didn't even have a car.

Didn't see him again, ten years in fact. I always wondered what happen to that skinny young black.

Ten years later I sees him on stage, running for president, his life turned a page.

He was standing next to this beautiful black queen, one of the prettiest young woman I had ever seen. With two little girls by their side, a beautiful family and that's no lie.

So, he took my advice I think it was pretty evident. Barack Obama became our 44th president.

"Jackleg Johnson, you are a lyin fool, but you got some good stories and that's pretty cool.

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