Covid Crap

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Mannnnnn I'm sick of all this covid shit,

Can't hang out with the fellas at the bar, none of it.

Can't watch them young girls jiggle on stage,

Mannn I can't wait for this shit to turn another page.

Can't go to the restaurant with my lady Elenore,

We been ordering Uber eats and its costing me a whole lot more.

Mannnnnn, I long for days when we was all hanging out.

Talkin all loud, that was some real fun no doubt.

But this covid got us all paranoid for sure,

Got us at each others throats and a whole lot more.

Democrats against Republicans, Blacks against Whites,

We gonna be fightin in the streets soon......, now..., THAT aint right.

Maybe this covid aint to blame for all our shit,

But it's sure taking folks out, the ways I sees it.

"We just need to control the virus," said my friend Maxine.

Folks just need to stop bein scared and just take the vaccine.

I guess that's the right way to handle it,

Control this thing before we all loose our shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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