Queensbridge Houses

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So what......, I drink a little wine,

From time to time.

It taste so sweet,

my liquid treat.

I would do it in my sleep if I could find a way.

But until that happens I use up the day.

This be my life and it's how I get by.

Don't judge me friend, don't even try,

Cause everybody is leanin on somethin so don't even lie.

Yeah..., that's right....., I'm a little High.

But I finally found what makes my spirit feel good,

Takes my mind off of livin in this damn hood.

The life is hard, and it's understood,

We wouldn't choose to live here if we could.

Mannnn...,It's like livin in a brick prison and there ain't no parole.

It's like a sentence we all got for bein poor souls.

Life in the projects where life don't mean that much,

Where's all the beauty in the world, I feel out of touch.

I want to see green grass, trees, flowers and such.

I don't think that's really askin too much.

life ain't supposed to make you feel like a trapped dog,

Or feel like you swimmin in some miserable fog.

But I guess life ain't sweet for everybody ya see.

Some folks just locked in a culture where there aint no key,

those Folks look a lot like me.

We cuss and fight and do all that crazy shit,

Cause we frustrated livin in this social pit.

But I don't cry about it, it don't do no good,

The only folks be listenin is the ones in this damn hood.

But ya know, there's Some folks, worse than me I can tell,

The stuff they be doin, I know they goin to hell.

So, I sit back and watch lives crumble before my eyes,

There ain't much I can do to change direction of those tides.

So, I drinks my wine from time to time,

I drinks it long and I drinks it fine,

it helps me mend my broken mind.

The Life and Times of Jackleg JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now