Jackleg Blues

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Mannnnn..., the blues is where it's at,

And that's a fact.

That sound just hugs your soul.

Sound so raw it makes your blood run cold.

But gives you a good feeling, if the truth be told.

Now listen here,

Can't nobody play the blues unless you seen some shit.

Seen it firsthand,

Like Life slappin you down, stompin on your shit.

Like Draggin you down through the mud and grit.

Life Just kickin, kickin you every which way,

And there ain't too much you can say,

But if you check out the Blues, watch it all go away.

So, I listens to the blues, from time to time

Cause I can't stand the shit that be torturin my mind.

Them there, Robert Johnson type blues,

is the ones I choose.

Lord knows the devil walked in that man's shoes.

Now, there's a man that been through some shit.

Life so bad he asked the devil to come and sit.

One day the man played a mediocre sound,

The next day he was better than all the players in town.

A deal was made, everybody new,

That man sold his soul to the devil, guitar too.

He loved women and whiskey, that was his thing.

And when he played blues, on that there guitar, he was the king.

The devil walked in his shadow, but never gave him a sign.

Little did Robert know he was runnin out of time.

Judgement day was comin ,I don't think he made it to heaven

The devil took his life at the age of twenty-seven.

But if you listen to his music, the melodies and such

You understand that type of music sticks in your gut.

The story of a life bein told,

All the bad and the ugly tormenting the soul.

But there's somethin about this music that soothes my spirit,

When I'm in that mood, I just gotta hear it.

I think the words and the music together, can fix a troubled mind.

It does for me time after time.

So, listen to these words man

and listen real good,

Appreciate the blues, let it heal, I know it could.

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