Mad Dog 20 20

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Got to get my mind right

I just Got to get my mind right

When I think about things happening all around me,

The depression hits so hard, I can barely see me.

Why can't he do the right thing by me?

What makes him turn a blind eye and not see me?

I grind out each day, trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents,

And by the end of that day, I'm short by seventeen cents and feeling tense.

I don't understand it.

It just don't stop.

I do what I can but it don't amount to a lot.

When the man comes with the red white and blue eagle sewed on his shirt and wants to give me my daily dose of headache,

I pretend I'm not me and I refuse to take.

Feels good for awhile not to face bad news.

Gives me a chance to set aside the blues.

Because what ever he's delivering sure ain't the million dollar sweepstakes.

It's more like the sweep takes.

Them bills take all my money.

They sweep me clean and it ain't funny.

I got me some responsibilities don't ya know.

I ain't the type to just let shit go.

Why can't he see I'm in a struggle that I just can't win.

Why can't he shed a little light my way like he did for the Kardashians.

Are they more worthy.........., and I am not?

Do they have skills........., that I do not?

Can they act or dance or even carry........., a tune.

Then why has their popularity shot to........., the moon?

That family has been blessed and I don't know why.

If I only knew the secret.

But ya know......., it makes no sense hating on folks that have been blessed.

I guess it means that it just ain't my time yet.

With all that belly aching I do, and I do a lot.

I still haven't given up on him.

One day his light is gonna shine bright on me

And I'm gonna dance, act and sing just as good as the Kardashians

You'll see.

The Life and Times of Jackleg JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now