Nostalgia (Jensen Ackles)

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Pairing: Jensen Ackles x reader

Type: Fluff

Warnings: End of S15 feels, I love Danneel but for the sake of the one shot let's just pretend she and Jensen aren't married

Word Count: 1624

Summary: With Supernatural having wrapped filming, and quarantine leaving not much else to do, Jensen is feeling a little nostalgic. And with Baby sitting in the garage just begging to go for a ride, who is he to deny her?


The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon when the need to go for a drive hit Jensen full force in the face. He hadn't been home from Vancouver for very long. He expected the nostalgia to hit a few weeks later, not five days after he got back to Austin.

Jensen walked to the hallway and plucked the keys from the rack. He ran his fingers over the silver bullet and smiled. He had begged and begged to take Dean's car home. In the back of his mind he always knew Baby would be going home with him by the time the show wrapped, but now that he actually had her, it didn't feel real.

The night Baby showed up he sat in the garage with her for hours. It was midnight by the time you finally got out of bed and dragged him back inside. You knew how he was feeling, hell you were feeling the same way. After spending season six with Supernatural as an angel and returned for an episode in season fifteen you had the same feeling of nostalgia. Jensen's, though, was amplified by ten. He had spent the majority of his adult life on that show, and now it was all over.

"J?" you called as you walked into the kitchen. "Babe?"

"Hey," he said, walking back into the kitchen, keys hanging from his fingers. The lights glinted off the silver, catching your attention.

"You okay?" you asked, your eyes softening. You walked over to his and wrapped your arms around his torso, tucking your head into his chest.

"I'm alright," he said as he rubbed your back. "I was just thinking about taking a drive. You wanna come with?"

"Absolutely," you smiled up at him. Jensen grinned and leaned down, pecking your lips. You took his hand and let him lead you out to the garage. "Do you want to pick up Jared?"

"I was thinking it could just be the two of us," Jensen replied as he pressed the button on the wall to open the garage door. "I'll take Jared for a ride tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me," you smiled. He opened the passenger side door for you. You kissed his cheek as you climbed in.

Jensen let himself relax back into the leather seat as he felt Dean push himself to the front of his mind. He slid the key into the ignition and hummed as Baby purred to life beneath his hands. There was a sense of familiarity to it, like no matter how far removed he got from Supernatural, Baby would always be there for him.

You watched as a smile crossed his face. It was the first time you had seen him truly happy and back in his element since he got home. Just seeing him smile and be happy made you happy.

"Our neighbors are gonna love you," you teased as the engine rumbled loudly.

"They better get used to it," he said, glancing over at you as he put Baby in reverse and backed out of the driveway. "She needs a lot of exercise."

You smiled as you leaned against the door and looked out the window. Jensen drove towards the sunset down a back road that you knew led to an open field.

"Are any of Dean's cassettes still in the glove box?" you asked, already leaning forward to check.

"There should be an AC/DC one in there," Jensen answered as he took a right turn and drove out of your neighborhood.

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