Christmas Eve (Chris Evans)

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Pairing: Chris Evans x reader

Type: Fluff

Warnings: Mention of Covid-19

Word Count: 743

Summary: Christmas in Massachusetts was the best time of the year. Boston was aglow with lights, and decorations hung on every lamp post in the city. It had become a Christmas Eve tradition for you and Chris to go into the city and hit Boylston Street for some extremely last minute shopping then go home and cuddle up on the couch and watch Christmas movies. And this year was no different.


"Split up?" you suggested as Chris pulled into a parking spot along the curb.

"Nah, I need to spend all the time I can with you," Chris grinned and leaned across the console. You giggled as he pecked your lips. "Where do you want to go first?"

"The usual," you answered, reaching for the masks you kept in the glove compartment. "I cannot wait until we can get rid of these."

"Me too," Chris agreed, taking the mask you handed him. "I miss seeing your face but at the same time nobody can see mine so, I guess it's not that bad."

"Yeah right, like you can go out and not be recognized wearing that sweater," you teased as you hooked the bands behind your ears and popped the door open.

"I happen to like that sweater very much, thank you," he retorted with a smirk hidden under his mask.

"I know you do," you responded and took his hand as you started down the sidewalk. A bank of snow separated it from the street, and the clouds overhead threatened to dump more later on in the day. Chris had been ecstatic about having a white Christmas, and planned a whole day around it. When you left for your shopping excursion, he set Scott up in the kitchen with ingredients and a recipe for monkey bread, another one of your Christmas traditions.

The first store you went into was void of people. Chris was immediately drawn to an apron hanging on a stand and nearly yanked your arm from its socket as he pulled you over to it.

"Tell me Scott would not love that," he said. You laughed at the design and nodded.

"He would, but today is about gag gifts, remember?" you reminded him, clinging to his arm.

"Right," he sighed and walked further into the store. You tugged on his arm and pointed to a jack in the box.

"Scott," you said at the same time. Chris' brother was terrified of those toys. It was like that scene in Elf with him.

The cashier seemed beyond tired as Chris approached the register with the gag gift for his brother. Boylston street was silent as you and Chris walked down the street to the next store. Everything was either sold out or closed, sending you back to your car with the one gift for Scott.

"I'd call this part of the tradition a success," you said as you climbed into the passenger seat of the car and pulled off your mask. Chris hummed in agreement as he passed his mask to you and you tucked them back into the glove compartment.

"Let's go home, there's some Christmas Story and monkey bread and a dog waiting for us," he smiled over at you as he pulled away from the curb and started the drive home.

You grabbed Chris' hand as you got out of the car back at the house and leaned your head against his shoulder. Christmas always put you in a cuddly mood.

"Go make yourself comfortable on the couch, I'm gonna wrap this for Scott and I'll be right there," Chris muttered as he kissed the top of your head.

"I love you, baby," you smiled up at him as you made a b-line for the couch. Dodger jumped up beside you and rested his head on your lap as you turned on the TV. Five minute later, Chris came back in and placed Scott's gag gift beneath the tree before settling down next to you. He pulled a blanket from the back of the couch and slung his arm over your shoulder.

You rested your head against Chris' shoulder and lazily ran your hand over the side of Dodger's head. He looked up at you in pure love as you got comfortable.

"I love this movie," Chris hummed, resting his head on top of yours.

"I know you do," you responded. Movement outside the wall of windows caught your eye. "Look, it's snowing."

"Merry Christmas, Y/N," Chris said, his voice full of love, as he looked down at you.

"Merry Christmas, Chris," you replied and leaned up to capture his lips in a kiss.

"You two are unbearably adorable," Scott groaned as he walked into the living room to join you, a plate of monkey bread in his hand.

"You know it," Chris winked. You giggled and snuggled back down, content to stay where you were forever.

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