Shoreline (Jack Kline)

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Pairing: Jack Kline x reader

Type: Fluff

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1182

Request: a chill day with jack and watching classics and listening to old music  Or one with all of tfw2.0 where they just have fun and no worries like a day swimming or something


"Wake up, kids," Dean said loudly as he parked Baby. You lifted your head from Jack's shoulder with an angry grunt. If there was one thing you hated more than anything it was being woken up. Dean, after having numerous objects chucked at his head, should know that better than anybody.

"I took away anything you could have thrown," Cas said from next to you. "For your own safety and-"

"Cas I swear if you give me any more of the 'for the safety of others' bullshit I will not hesitate to throw in the lake."

"What did you do now?" Jack yawned as he stretched his arms over his head.

"We're here," Dean ignored him and got out of the car, audible pops coming from his joints. Sam followed, a satisfying crack rippling up his spine as he got out of the car. You got out after Cas, sighing as fresh air filled your lungs.

Team Free Will 2.0 had been stuck in the bunker for way too long. After a month-long dry spell with no hunts, Sam and Dean decided it was time for a vacation. Sam had a destination picked out before Dean even had the chance to tell you, Cas, and Jack. A lake near the coast of Maine. It was a long drive, long by your standards of driving, but from the looks of where you were staying, it was worth it.

A log cabin overlooked a long wooden dock which jutted out over the shimmering lake. It was a sight for sore eyes. You hadn't seen natural beauty since a hunt in North Dakota seven months ago. You were long overdue.

"Unpack, first," Dean told you, shoving your duffle bag into your chest. You rolled your eyes at him but followed him through the door anyway. "You and Jack are in the basement. Can I trust you to be alone?"

"I'll throw you in the lake too," you said before opening the door to the basement and walking down the rough wooden stairs. Natural light flooded through the screen door and spilled out onto the floor. Two beds sat shoved up against the wood paneled wall. You sighed and dropped your bag on the furthest one from the door.

"This is nice," Jack said as he walked in after you. You smiled at him as he looked around.

"Come on," you pulled a bathing suit from your bag and walked past him. "Let's go out to the dock. Wait for me?"

"Sure," Jack agreed. You tossed him a smirk over your shoulder before closing the bathroom door behind you. By the time you came back out Jack was already standing there in a pair of swim trunks, waiting for you by the door.

"Ready?" you asked, sliding your feet into a pair of flip flops. He nodded with one of his signature, light up the room smiles and pushed open the door. Sam and Cas were already walking down to the dock. You jogged to catch up with them, jumping off your feet and wrapping your arms around Sam's shoulders. He caught you with ease.

"Someone's excited," he laughed as you dropped off his back.

"I haven't sun bathed in forever," you said, walking ahead. "I'm looking forward to getting my tan on," he handed you a towel and shook his head. You walked forward onto the dock and spread the towel out.

"Where's Dean?" Jack asked Cas as he stepped onto the dock. Cas shrugged in response and sat down on the edge of the warm wood, his toes dipping into the water.

"He said he needed something from the car," Sam answered. He walked to the edge of the dock. You shielded your eyes from the sun and watched as he gracefully dove into the water. As the water splashed around him you got the feeling that this week with the boys was going to be fun.

"God it's so boring down here," Dean said as he ran down onto the dock. "Good thing you have me," he tapped his phone screen and Adele started to play from the speaker. You sat up and looked at him in shock. "Shit, not that," he frantically tapped at his phone until it was replaced with Led Zeppelin.

"Listening to Adele, Dean?" you teased, laying back down.

"Shut up, you listen to One Direction."

"Yes," you replied, closing your eyes. "Yes I do."

You heard Dean jump into the water and Sam yelp. Jack soon followed. You smiled, knowing that your boys were finally able to relax and have fun.

"You plan on joining us, Y/N?" Dean called to you after what felt like just five minutes of tanning.

"At some point," you called back. Cas laughed next to you.

"What about you, Cas?"

"I don't swim," Cas replied. You sat up and looked at the angel. He was fiddling with his fingers, refusing to look out at Jack, Sam, and Dean swimming in the lake.

"What's up?" you asked him, moving over to sit next to him on the edge of the dock. The wood was warm and smooth beneath your legs.

"I just never needed to swim," he shrugged, sparing a look at you.

"Hold on," you got up and ran back to the basement. You dug through the closet until you found what you were looking for.

"What is that?" Cas asked, eyeing the raft you had tucked under your arm.

"A raft," you answered, kneeling on the edge of the dock and putting it in the water. "You can sit on it and float around. That way you're still with us but you don't need to swim."

"Thanks, Y/N," Cas smiled brightly at you. You nodded and held it still for him as he climbed on. "This is very relaxing."

"You're the only one left," Sam called to you as he treaded water. You sighed deeply and shook your head. That spurred Dean on to swim over to the dock.

"Dean," you warned as you started to back away from him. "Don't even think about it."

"Too late," Dean smirked and wrapped his arms around you before you even got the chance to run.

"Put me down!" you screeched, struggling against him. His grip on you was too tight, and before you knew what was happening he was holding you over the water. "Dean, if you do this we're not friends anymore."

"Sure," he said dismissively and dropped you. You hit the water with a yelp and resurfaced, pushing hair from your face.

"You are such a jerk!" you yelled at him as Jack swam up beside you.

"I know," Dean shrugged and canon balled in. Water from the splash hit you square in the face.

"I'm gonna get my revenge, Dean, just you wait," you warned as you swam off with Jack towards the swimming platform.

"What revenge are you thinking?" Jack asked as he climbed up the ladder to the platform.

"Oh you know," you said as you climbed up after him. "The usual."

"Spiders or snakes?"


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