Interview Buddy (Tom Hiddleston)

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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x actress!reader

Type: Fluff

Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 2470

Summary: Ahead of Thor: Ragnarok, Tom and his co-star, the reader, have been paired up for interviews. After the reader gets nothing but sexist questions, Tom gets fed up.


"Interview buddy," you grumbled, still not fully awake when you joined Tom in the hotel lobby in the morning. He offered a grunt in return as he took a sip of his coffee. "Ooh coffee, good idea," you moved to walk over to the buffet table.

"Way ahead of you," Tom linked his arm through yours before you could get too far and handed you a second paper cup.

"You're the best," you said as you accepted the drink from him. "I don't know if I've mentioned that before."

"You have," he said, beginning to walk away when your manager gave you the nod. "But I'll take the compliment."

Tom Hiddleston had been your interview buddy for as long as you could remember. From the first Thor movie, all the way up until Infinity War, you'd been paired up with him. The powers that be said it was because you had such great chemistry. You and Tom knew about the whole 'great chemistry' thing, and, if you asked your co-stars it was the reason you and Tom got together in the first place.

"Good morning," your driver said as he opened the back door.

"Oh, Charlie," you sighed, giving his shoulder a pat as you stepped in after Tom. "Always in such a good mood. I don't know how you do it."

"Only in the mornings, Miss Y/L/N," he nodded with a smile and closed the door behind you.

"You know," Tom began, wrapping an arm over your shoulders. "You're always in a good mood too. Never fail to brighten my day."

"Right, and you're an absolute beast in the morning," you teased as you looked up at him, your chin resting on his shoulder.

"As adorable as this argument could turn into," Charlie said as he slammed the driver side door shut behind him. "We should get going and I need you to tell me where this morning's interviews are."

"Sorry," Tom chuckled as he ripped his gaze away from yours. "It's at the Hilton down the street. We're meeting Hemsworth and Tessa and Ruffalo there."

"I swear if Hemsworth asks me to switch with him again," you grumbled into Tom's arm. "I'm not sharing you."

"And that's the best part about being my girlfriend. You don't have to share me," he told you as he gently shrugged his shoulder. "I'm all yours all the time."

"Damn right you are," you said, leaning up and capturing his lips with yours.

"Guys," Charlie said from the front seat. "You plan on coming up for air so you can get out of my car and go to work?"

"Already?" you asked, pulling away from Tom and straightening your hair.

"Aside from the fact you could have walked it in less than the time it took us to drive, you didn't stop sucking each other's faces off," Charlie answered, a hint of sarcasm lacing his voice.

"Oh," Tom said as he cleared his throat. "Sorry about that, Charlie."

"It's fine, just get out of my car," Charlie smirked.

"See you," you smiled as Tom helped you step out of the car. A crowd of fans were waiting for you by the hotel's main door. The smile on your face grew, a custom when dealing with people screaming your name and cameras flashing in your face.

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