Life is One Big Musical Number (Chris Evans)

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Pairing: Chris Evans x Broadway actress!reader

Type: Fluff

Warnings: Songs from musicals, if you count that I guess

Word Count: 1700

Summary: The reader lands the part of Elphaba in Wicked and spends the rest of the week singing songs from the musical. Chris loves it and sings As Long As You're Mine to help rehearse.


"Got it! I got it! I got it! I got it!" you ran through the halls of your apartment, your phone hanging precariously from your hand as you screamed three words over and over again at the stop of your lungs.

"Green? Are we green?" your boyfriend chased after you.

"Green! We're green!" You nodded, jumping up and down to keep from combusting out of pure excitement.

"Yes!" Chris scooped you up in his arms and swung you around. You laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck, gripping his shoulders to keep yourself, and him for that matter, from going crashing to the ground. An absurdly loud thud would only ensure a noise complaint from your neighbors downstairs.

Dodger, who was already chasing you to begin with, started to bark and jump up and down. Chris set you back on the ground and hugged you long and hard, apparently making the mutt jealous. He jumped up, with one paw on your leg and the other on Chris', and barked even louder.

"We're so proud of you!" Chris exclaimed, picking up Dodger and hugging you again with the dog squished between you two.

"Oof!" you huffed when one of his paws nailed you in the stomach.

"Dodger, be careful," Chris scolded. "Y/N needs to be able to sing."

"I feel like I'm on cloud nine," you sighed happily as you sat down on the couch with Chris, seeming to have narrowly escaped a noise complaint.

"You haven't stopped smiling," Chris replied, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his side.

"Hm, I wonder why," you laughed.

"What do you want to watch?" he asked, running his hand up and down your shoulder lovingly.

"Wizard of Oz."


"What is this feeling? Fervid as a flame, does it have a name? Yes, loathing! Unadulterated loathing!"

You've been singing along to the Wicked soundtrack ever since you got the call from your agent. You got the call every actor vying to get their Broadway debut dreams of. You still felt like you were walking on air.

The lyrics faded away to gentle humming as you pushed open the stage door to the Gershwin. The receptionist at the end of the short hallway looked up at you with a smile.

"Good morning," she greeted you. "Y/N Y/L/N?"

"Yes," you replied, suppressing the nerves that were trying to claw its way up your throat.

"Sign here, then take a right. Colby will meet you by the elevator," she directed you. With a shaky hand, you signed your name and walked down the hallway.

This was it, all your hard work, all the hours you'd put in with your voice coach, all the late nights in the dance studio, it all culminated to this. Playing Elphaba on Broadway. You were living the dream of countless actors and high school theatre kids all over the country.

"Y/N?" a tall, blond man asked as you approached him.

"Yes," you nodded, shaking his outstretched hand.

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