ii. the prophecy

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"Gather the horses!" Maedhros ordered his men. Elmarë once again has had the pleasure to be gripped on the shoulder by him, whereas the little ones each hold one of Maglor's hands, gripping them tightly, thoroughly afraid as they got separated from their sister.

Elmarë grunted, mumbling profanities under her breath in Quenya (so that Elros and Elrond didn't understand) to the sons of Fëanor, which made no effect to said sons. It amused them, more so that even Maedhros found it amusing.

Once the horses were gathered, 2 magnificent giant steeds were spared for Maedhros and Maglor further from their men.

Maglor threw a broken glance at the wagon which was carrying the unmoving bodies of the Ambarussa from behind them.

He was heartsick with this accursed Oath, as it spilled blood on their hands, took away their family. Now that was only him and Nelyo, he definitely wouldn't want these children's blood on their hands.

"We should bring the Ambarussa and bury him in our lands," Maglor suggested. He glanced at Maedhros from the corner of his eyes and saw that expression that his brother wore so often.


Of course, the first time he wore that expression was when Fëanor was killed at the Dagor-nuin-Giliath. Although Fëanor's Oath had destroyed their lives, Maedhros still very much loves his father.

Maedhros was good at covering his emotions, but not grief, never grief. It had been most clear at the deaths of Miralyaen and Fingon's on which he blamed himself for being so foolish, thinking that Morgoth the Black Foe can be defeated by numbers.

When he heard the news of the Fall of Gondolin at FA 510, and hearing the death of Miralyaen, along with her brother, he griefed.

Maedhros wasn't too fond of her brother but knew how much he meant to Miralyaen. Both fell falling into a deep abyss after fighting a Balrog, Shadow and Flame.

And now, as the eldest brother, losing the 2 youngest brothers, the pain he felt before when he lost Celegorm, Caranthir, and Curufin at the same day, was there.

"We should," Maedhros nodded solemnly, voice strained as if in pain.

Elmarë peered curiously at them from below Maedhros' grasp, her curiosity getting over her fear. She saw the grief-stricken faces they wore and noted, "You lost your brothers."

Maglor merely glanced at her and nodded. Maedhros, well, is Maedhros, not either Nelyo nor Maitimo.

His nose twitched in annoyance, ready to rain his wrath over the overly-curious half-elven. Instead, he ignored her, and turned towards Maglor, "However should we bring them? I do not trust to leave them unattended."

"I am fine with a horse," Elmarë spoke.

Maedhros glared down at the female half-elven, "Especially you, girl."

Elmarë flinched. In truth, she was still very much threatened and afraid, but she hid herself behind a facade for her brothers.

"One can ride with us. Well, the twins with me and Elmarë can go with you," Maglor offered. Judging by Maedhros' disgruntled look, he was displeased to be with the girl who had injured his hand. It went the same with Elmarë, as she scowled at Maglor, who seemed too pleased with himself.

Before Maedhros could hold her above the waist to lift her, Elmarë jumped on Maedhros' foot, using it as a stool, and successfully settled on the horse's back.

Maedhros grunted, inhaling a large amount of air to his lungs in an attempt to calm his nerves. Maglor watched on, amused, that his brother could get irate so quickly by so small a girl.

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