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All I could hear was the hard music playing.

All I could see were lights changing in the dark from green to red, to blue.

All I could sense was the presence of him; the one who I thought I loved since middle school.

But at that moment, I knew. I knew I should not be here. I should not be here alone with him. I couldn't leave though. I felt weak in his presence. I was curious, but I knew my limits, I knew how far I would go. It just wasn't far enough for him. I should have left when I had the chance.

He led me to an empty room. He pushed me up against the doorframe, aggressively. I was still conscious of my actions. I never said it felt good nor did I ever ask for any of this. I was intoxicated, I barely saw his face. He lifted up my skirt with his firm hands, they felt cold against my thigh. He kissed me hard against my neck and lips. I didn't want this, but I couldn't speak either. Words wouldn't come out and I couldn't figure out why. Probably because he had his other hand holding my neck back, pressing me against the door so I couldn't move.

"Stop. Please." I pleaded.

"Let me go." I knew my voice was soft, I could barely breathe.

"Dressed in that mini skirt, I don't think so." He responded in a cold, hard tone. Then continued to take control of my body.

I tried to regain control, but I wasn't strong enough. He was a well-built football jock, there was no way I would be able to knock him off of me. I tried, again and again. There was still no use. I became more unconscious by the minute, every time I struggled to get out of his grasp, I felt weaker. I attempted to move my right leg, so I could try to knee him where it would hurt, but his grasp was too strong on my leg to move it.

"There's no use, I know you want me." He smirked in a raspy voice.

"No, I don't. Let me go!" I tried to shout, in hopes that someone was outside and would be able to hear me. I continued to wriggle out of his tight hold, I tried to push him off of me. I cried.

"Get off of me!" I shouted once again. Still nothing.

"Stop it!" I cried again.

This time he let me go. I tried to run away, but instead, I fell to the floor, hard. I tried to get up and crawl away, but everything was blurry now. My head was pounding. It didn't help that my eyes were flooded with tears. I made a move for the door. Once I thought I was close, he stood in front of me.

"Leave me alone!" I pleaded and cried once more before all I could see was black.

N.O.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora