Chapter Eight

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One Week Later

Today was the last day of school before we left for Thanksgiving break. I would usually be excited because that meant I got a whole week to hang out with friends, not worry about school, and relax. This year was not like that. All I could think about was how he could be coming home for Thanksgiving break. I haven't seen his face since that night and I wanted to keep it that way. I felt like I had been growing and I have been able to move on more than I thought I could. Five months ago I would still be in bed, probably crying about what happened and what I did to deserve that or just blaming myself for not listening to my mom and changing clothes before I left. It wasn't until I started writing out minute by minute of what happened that day that I realized it wasn't my fault. I never said 'yes,' I remember saying no and not wanting to do anything with him. I was drunk out of my mind and that's where it was my fault because I know now that I shouldn't have allowed myself to get that wasted. I also know that he shouldn't have taken advantage of me. The way I dressed should not have insinuated that I wanted to have sex with him.

I was in study hall for my last period of the day and I didn't have any homework assigned over break so I decided to pull out my document and continue writing. I looked back to see what I had already written and to figure out what part came next. The last thing I wrote was about how I started drinking rapidly because I saw that he showed up to the party and I wanted to gather the courage to go and talk to him. Big mistake there. I didn't want him to just see me as Carlos' little sister anymore. Yes, before all of this happened, I had a huge crush on him, but that quickly faded after the way he treated me. I wondered for a long time if he had ever done that to other girls. If he did then I guess no one ever came out and told their story.

I stumbled on my way to go talk to him, I remember he tried to catch me and helped me regain my balance. I thought he was being really sweet, but then I also thought about how he probably just thought of me as another little sister. I apologized for running into him and then proceeded to have some small talk with him. I just asked him if he was playing football in college, he told me he was and that he would be going to Ohio State University. I told him I thought that was really cool and he complimented my outfit, he told me I looked really good. I am almost 100% certain I blushed before I could thank him and then I stumbled onto the dance floor where I started dancing with Indiana. All I was doing was swaying my hips and entire body to the music. I was having fun with Indiana, I felt free. After only about a minute of swaying to the music with Indiana, I felt a tall and muscular body come up behind me and placed his hands on my hips. I jerked at the touch of his skin, but when I turned my head to see who it was, I saw his face. I saw his dirty blonde hair, sides shaved and the top fell nicely in front of his forehead. It was too dark for me to be able to see his dark green eyes, they were my favorite. Now they just remind me of evil. He whispered into my ear not to stop dancing, so I obeyed. I didn't think dancing would lead to where it went. We stayed dancing like that for a while, but after about 30 minutes I started to feel very light headed and tired. My body started to give out on me and I began to lose my balance. That's when things started to get blurry and I remember he whispered into my ear that he would help me get out. He told Indiana that he would take me home since I was wasted and hoped my brother could take care of it. He led me to what seemed an empty room, not out the front door to take me home like he said he would.

I stopped writing, I couldn't write anymore. I could feel myself tense up and get stiff just thinking back to the memories of what happened and how it happened. The bell rang just in time, so I gathered up all my belongings and walked out the room. I made my way to the front of the school to meet with Indiana. Indiana was already waiting for me at the front of the school, she was seated at one of the picnic tables just scrolling through her phone.

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