Chapter Eleven

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Six Months Later

It was time to go to court for Carlos for a crime he didn't commit. Even though Brynlee had no evidence that Carlos did anything, it seemed like he was going to be charged with misdemeanor statutory rape. It was crazy that this case started back at the end of November and the trial didn't start until May. The largest punishment Carlos could get was 364 days in county jail along with a $1,000 fine. Carlos already lost his football scholarship, all his academic scholarships, so he had no way of paying his way through USC anymore. If they found Carlos innocent, even though he was, we would sue Brynlee and her family then he would be able to get back all the money and pay his way through USC. He was losing his future because of one lie that was taken too far.

They started by asking Carlos basic questions about what he recalled from that night. They asked him how he identified, what he did in his freetime, and how long he knew the Evans family. They even went as far as to ask if he had ever been involved with drugs. Carlos didn't have any tattoos or piercings of any sort, so why would they think or assume that? I didn't think much when they asked how he identified, did the fact that he was Mexican have to do with that drug question?

Grace was asked to come and answer some questions about her relationship with Carlos. I wasn't sure how this would help, but if it would help Carlos' name be cleared then it was worth it. I wasn't even sure if Grace and Carlos were on speaking terms.

"How long have you known Carlos?" Brynlee's lawyer, Kelly Moore, politely asked her.

"I've known him for about ten years," Grace answered.

"And how long have the two of you been together?" Ms. Moore questioned her.

"We dated for five years, but we are no longer together. We broke up six months ago, right before Thanksgiving break," Grace answered, it made me and my parents confused. Carlos told us they were just on a break and were still working things out. Why would he lie to us?

"Did you initiate the split?" Ms. Moore asked, very interested in what Grace was about to say next.

"No," Grace looked down at her hands like she was still hurt. My mom placed her hand over her mouth, she was shocked that Carlos would break up with Grace and so was I. I turned to look at the Evans' and both Cole and Brynlee seemed confused.

"Did Carlos ever express interest in Brynlee?" Grace looked back up and made direct eye contact with Brynlee.

"No, he expressed the opposite towards Brynlee. Brynlee had been trying to come in between us since we started dating. This wouldn't be the first time she tried to throw herself at him," Grace answered, I sensed a little bit of annoyance in her voice.

"Did that ever bother you?" Ms. Moore asked.

"No, Carlos made it very clear he wasn't interested in her. He was polite about it every time," Gace answered with a more calmness tone in her voice.

"So you don't think Carlos broke up with you to try something with Brynlee? It seems like a coincidence that he would break up with you right before going after my client," it seemed like Ms. Moore was trying to provoke an answer out of Grace.

"No, he would never do that," Grace got quiet, like she was hiding something.

"Did he ever pressure you into having sex with him?" Ms. Moore kept trying to get a rise out of Grace.

"No, he would never do that. It would go against his beliefs. We've never slept together. We were waiting until marriage. Carlos always respected me," Grace admitted.

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