Chapter Five

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A few weeks went by, and summer officially ended. School starts today. I don't know how it's going to feel to be back, but I'm just going to try and put it past me. Summer was great. Nothing happened. I stayed home in bed all summer. That's my story. Indiana better follow it.

I walked into my closet to find an outfit to wear to school today. I pulled out my phone and opened the weather app to see what the weather would be like today. 75° today, not too bad, maybe today's the day I wear something appropriate for the weather, because I know that if I don't then people will start asking questions and judging me. The first shirt I pulled out was my old white, cropped tank top with some light-washed jeans that were cut off at the ankle. I put it on, took a look in the mirror, and immediately regretted my decision. I began to pant, I closed my eyes and walked away from the mirror. I walked to the place where I kept all my jackets and sweatshirts. I grabbed my black and white nike windbreaker. I went to look at myself in the mirror again and I felt slightly more content. My collar bone was showing, but that shouldn't matter right? It's just my collar bone.

I went down the stairs and into the kitchen to get some breakfast. My mom liked to make smoothies for me every morning before school, but that was only because Carlos always insisted on having a protein shake every morning. Mom only started making me smoothies because Carlos told her it wasn't fair if she made him breakfast but didn't give me anything. I told you she only cared about Carlos. Sometimes I don't even understand why her and my Dad decided to have another kid. Maybe I was an accident. The only reason they kept me was because they don't believe in abortions.

"Buenos Días Amá." I walked past her and looked for my smoothie, but there was nothing there.

"Amá, where's my smoothie?" I asked her as I climbed on top of the kitchen counter to sit down.

"Tienes dos manos. Hágalo usted." She really just told me to make my own smoothie for the first time in years. I bet it's because Carlos isn't here anymore, she never made him make his own protein shake.

"Pero, you always make them for me." I responded to her confused.

"Ya mero tienes diez y ocho años, Luna. Aprende como hacer cosas sola." She told me that I was almost an adult and needed to learn how to do things for myself. She was never like that to Carlos. I bet that if Carlos were to walk in right now, she would make him breakfast with no question or remarks.

I simply jumped off the counter and grabbed my keys off the kitchen table. "Adios," I paused as I opened the front door, "Mother," and slammed the door as I groaned in annoyance.

Once I got into my car, I placed the keys into the ignition to turn it on. I drove to school very cautiously, I've always been a cautious driver, the only reason I even got my license was because my Mom thought it would be pathetic to be 18 without a license. She's been this way towards me forever, it's whatever now. Instead of just driving straight to school, I found my way driving to Starbucks. Got to have something in the morning so my stomach doesn't growl in the middle of class. That would be embarrassing. Once I got to Starbucks, I parked my car as far as possible from all the other cars in that parking lot. I like to think I'm a pretty good driver, but when it comes to parking I get scared I'll hit another car. I guess the bad thing about parking so far is that I have to walk far, but lucky for me I get a small workout in. It's really the only workout I get since I decided I wasn't athletic enough to do sports. Or more like my parents decided I wasn't as good as Carlos to continue to waste their time and play sports.

"Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you?" The polite young man at the register asked me.

"Just a grande iced caramel macchiato," I politely smiled and waited for him to tell me the cost.

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