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For several long minutes I stared at the closed door. The sounds of children whimpering in fear and their mothers trying to shush them filled my ears. Slowly, I turned around and I let my eyes dart from one member of the pack to another. Their faces, while etched in fear and worry for their mates and family that were still on the outside of the safe room would forever be burned into my memory, I could see that there was determination and hope buried beneath it as well. These women would never give up... They would die to protect their pack, their mates and their pups.

An image of Gabriel flashed before my mind's eye. His eyes were filled with love and a gentle smile on his face. My heart surged with love and I knew. I knew that I would do anything within my power to ensure my mate and my family survived past this day. A grim look settled over me as I stood straighter. It was time for me to face my past along with my fears. Judy's eyes caught mine and for a second, we just stared at each other. My jaw tightened and my eyes hardened. Nothing would distract me from this path.

She whispered a word to the woman beside her and then quickly walked towards me. "I know that you are going to do something. And I know that nothing I can say will turn you from it." A fond yet sad smile blossomed on her face. "I know a way out of here, a back door if you will. Gia... All I ask is that whatever you do, return to my brother alive. It would destroy him if he lost you." My eyes searched hers, and while I knew that there was something she wasn't telling me about Gabriel, I just nodded. "I promise that I will do my best to return alive."

Both of us knew that there was a very high chance that I would die. And while I and Morna was at peace with that, we knew how it would hurt those we had come to love and call family. Judy took my hand and silently led me away from the other women and children. In the very back of the room, hidden behind a cabinet of blankets, clothing and medical supplies Judy opened a small hidden door.

"This tunnel leads to a small stream to the Northwest of the territory. The water will hide your scent and the entrance so no one can backtrack you to us. We will be safe here Gia. Don't worry about us."

"Thank you for everything Judy. Especially for not giving up on me." I gave Judy a hug and without a glance behind me, I slipped through the hidden door and started sprinting down the tunnel as fast as I could. The faint sound of the door closing behind me had a small smile fleeting across my lips. With a shake of my head, I shifted into Morna and raced away. I may be fast as a human, but as Morna, well I'm even faster.

About ten minutes later, I exploded out of a small cave and crashed into a stream. As I surfaced, spitting water everywhere, Morna was laughing. She did tell us that the tunnel ended at a stream.

Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, I grumbled but I wasn't upset. The water was cool and refreshing. Quickly swimming to the bank, I shook the water from my coat and took off towards the pack house. A quick change of clothing and getting a weapon were the top thoughts on my mind. As the wind rushed over me and familiar scenery flew by, I let my mind drift as Morna directed us to the pack house.

I knew that once Dean and Gabriel learned I had left the safe room, they would be worried and upset with me. But I also knew that if I did nothing to face my past and fears, that it would eat away at me until there was nothing left. And I refused to do that to Gabriel. And to myself.

When the back door of the pack house came into sight, I took back over. It was almost mind blowing just how easily I could shift between myself and Morna and I knew that I would never get tired of that feeling. Shifting before I reached the porch, I held my breath as I listened. Not even a heartbeat was coming from the first and second floor of the house. Opening the door in a flash, I headed towards the stairs. Thankfully my room wasn't that far away and then I would be facing my worst nightmare. But this time, I refused to let him win. One way or the other, I would overcome him.

Once we find him, I want to you claw his eyes out. That monster does not deserve to see for what he has done to us. And to the others.

That monster doesn't deserve to draw another breath for what he's done Morna. And I swear that even if it's the last thing I do today, he will breath his last. I could feel the love and pride flowing from Morna as I quickly changed into something dry. Pulling my hair into a quick braid, I open my closet and retrieve a small bag from the back. Unzipping it, I reach in and pull out a small dagger.

The blade was black with silvery-white lines running up the blade to the handle. A black wolf stared back at him and I smiled. The dagger had been a gift from Dean. He said it was so that I would always have him and our family with me, no matter where him or I were. This dagger was going to be the one thing that ended the monster that had destroyed so many lives.

Squaring my shoulders, I slip the dagger behind me under my shirt. Taking one last glance around the room, I leave the pack house and begin to make my way South. It wasn't long before the sounds of fighting reached my ears and I felt my heart start to race. Somewhere out there, my brother and my mate were fighting for their lives.

Finally, I stumbled from the forest into a clearing. Wolves and human alike were scattered throughout it, fighting. It was hard to tell just who was pack and who was foe. A flash of color caught my attention and I turned my eyes to see what it was. There, standing back from the fight, hidden in the tree line stood the monster of my past and my nightmares. His eyes were glued on the bloodshed before him as his eyes gleamed. My eyes scanned the area around him before landing on the tree canopy. A devious smile spread on my face as I quickly began to climb a tree. He wouldn't know what hit him.

Judy watched her best friend and soon to be sister-in-law race down the tunnel. Deep within her heart, she worried. Quickly shutting the door, Judy returned to the pack. The older women looked up and noticed that she came back alone. Questions filled their eyes, but none dared voice them, not with the pups about. There were somethings that should not be bandied about when there were young, impressionable pups running around.

For several minutes, Judy warred with herself. She knew that Gabriel, Dean and Tobias should know that Gia had left the safe room, but on the other hand, she didn't want to worry them while they were out there fighting for their lives. Finally, Judy sighed. They needed to know either way. Quickly finding the link with Dean, Judy caved. Dean, you need to let Gabriel and Tobias know that Georgiana has left the safe room and is on her way to the fighting.

The anger and worry that flooded the link almost blinded Judy. But she felt better knowing that the message had been sent. Sending a quick prayer up that everyone would be alright, she made her way over to where the pups were. They would know the outcome sooner or later. It was now a waiting game.

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