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Dean had just finished off a rogue when he heard Judy's message. With a silent groan, he let his anger of letting the girl that was well on her way to becoming his second little sister out of the safe room, and the worry for her flood the link. He knew that Judy only did what she thought was best, but he also knew that Tobias wouldn't see it that way. Tobias had only just gotten his baby sister back, after spending years of believing that she was dead. If anything happened to her, there was no telling how bad it would be.

A quick glance around the clearing let him know exactly where his brother and Tobias were. Nodding to himself once, Dean slowly began to fight his way towards them. With Tobias not having a link with him or the pack, he would need to deliver the message in person. Finally, after what felt like hours, Dean was standing side by side with his brother and best friend. Taking a deep breath, he spoke as soft as he could so that only the two of them could hear him.

"Judy just linked me. She said that Gerogiana left the safe room and is headed this way." Instantly Gabriel and Tobias paled and their eyes darkened with anger and worry. "Did she say what way she was headed?" Tobias asked, but it was Gabriel that answered. "The only way out of the safe room once the door is locked is a hidden door. Mom was the one that installed it and Judy is the only one left that knows where it is. She would never tell Dean or myself where it leads. So, Gia could be headed this way from any direction."

Gabriel looked around, fear swimming in his eyes. "I can only pray that she isn't coming up near this mess." Dean's eyes scanned the fighting again and he noted with a small hint of pride that many of his and Tobias' warriors still stood, while many of the rogues had already fallen. Their packs worked well together. Tobias opened his mouth to speak but suddenly stiffened. Horror filled his face causing Dean and Gabriel to turn to see what caused that reaction.

As they watched, Georgiana slipped through the tops of the tree canopy swiftly. The three men followed her, finally spotting Kage Richards. The man, the monster really, who had started this hellish nightmare many years ago when he killed Tobias' and Georgiana's father and kidnapped Georgiana. "She's going to attach him," Gabriel barely managed to whisper. Shock, horror and worry had filled him in equal parts. His mate, the love of his life, his heart, was about to face the man that had took so much away from her. But, a small part of him was proud that she was facing her past, her nightmares. He knew just how strong she was, even if she didn't know herself.

Tobias felt as if his heart was in his throat. He couldn't take his eyes away from his baby sister, nor the monster that he had hunted for years. He watched slowly at Gia made her way through the trees until she was above the man. When she reached behind her, he became confused. But that all cleared up when he managed to see the black and silvery-white dagger gripped tightly in her hand. Their father's dagger. A shoot of pride raised up in him and Tobias gave a predatory grin. Georgiana had always been head strong but he knew that he would always have her back. Just like he had when they were younger. He held his breath as he watched her preparing to attack the monster from above. When this was all over, he was going to have a long talk with her about scaring years off his life. A very long talk indeed.

Morna kept me calm as I climbed through the tree canopy. I knew that without her, I would be a mess. Taking a silent breath, I reach behind me and wrap my hand around the dagger. Just as I drew it out, I felt someone watching me. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Toby beside Dean and Gabriel.

I mentally shrug. I knew that in coming they would have found out, eventually. Shaking my head, I turn and look down. They might not approve of me doing this. But I had too. In order for me to move on and have a life with Gabriel, I needed to end this. Taking a deep breath, I steady myself. Tightening my grip on the dagger, I position it just like I had been taught. And then I dropped out of the tree.

Everything around me seemed to slow completely down. The fighting became distant as all my focus was on the monstrous nightmare below me. Just as the dagger was bout to enter his head, he looked up. Our eyes met and I gave a feral smile as I noticed the shock and fear deep within his. His time had finally come, and it was at my hands. Not by old age as he had often touted it would be. His dream of being the ruler of the rogues and having every pack fear him was over. His control of my life, of the nightmares he had inflicted upon me since I could remember was over.

He starts to move away, but it's too late for him. My dagger slashes through his face and his throat, leaving blood rushing. I land hard on the ground, but I manage to roll to my feet. Quickly I look at him and he lunges at me. But I was ready. I drop down and kick his legs out from under him. The blood loss must have really messed with him, because I was up before he was. Standing over him, I let our eyes meet a second time.

"You were destined to fail. You're mistake was thinking that you would ever make me break. I hope you enjoy the fires of hell." And with that, I embedded the dagger into his heart. I didn't move as I watched the life slowly leave his eyes. Without warning, the sounds of the fighting returned. It was sudden and loud enough to snap me out of whatever trance I was in. Hearing my name being called, I look up to find my mate, his brother and my brother rushing towards me. I managed to smile at them before I felt myself sway. Not even fighting it, I let the familiar darkness take me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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