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Toby watched as the woman walked away from him, his heart racing. He felt his hope rising and he was praying that his suspicions were true because he knew it would kill him if they weren't. She looked just like his mother, he thought as he watched her take a place beside Judy. 

His mind went to the nickname she had called him. Ever since his little sister had been ripped away from him, never to be seen again, he had allowed no one to call him that. That had been her name from him, and when he heard it, pain and longing for his missing sister would overwhelm him.

"Why aren't you eating Tobias?" Looking over his shoulder, he saw his Beta walking towards him. "I do not want anything right now."

"Oh." His second in command watched as his friend and alpha turned his head back towards the glass door, his gaze falling back on the young woman he had seen earlier. "Is she your..." A quick shake of Toby's head stopped him and silence fell between the two. "I think she's Georgiana."

"Your sister?"

"Yeah, she looks like Mom. And she just told me that she had dreams of me, a little girl and their family for years but she thought that they weren't real. Until she saw me the day we arrived... She called me Toby. And she had details about Georgiana's disappearance that no one outside of the family would know." Silence fell between the two until his Beta spoke again.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"What do you mean?" Toby asked confused. "I mean, are you going to try and find out for sure if she's your sister? If she is, do you plan on bringing her back with us?"

Toby shrugged but he knew that he would have to do something. Giving a quick nod to the man beside him, Toby quickly left the house and made his way to Dean. Even if she turned out to be his sister, they were on Dean's land and it was only right to go to him first.

"Dean," Tobias called out softly catching the alpha's attention. Dean smiled at his friend. "Tobias, what can I do for you?"

"I need to speak with you... in private." Tobias added softly as his eyes scanned the packs. Dean nodded as he stood up. Turning to his beta, he informed him that the ceremony would be postponed for a while until he returned. Nodding to Tobias, both men entered the house, quickly making their way to Dean's office.

"What's the matter, my friend?" Tobias sighed at the question before sinking into a chair. "Do you remember my sister?"

"Georgiana?" Nodding once, Tobias met Dean's gaze. "I believe I have found her."

"And?" They had been friends for far too long for Dean not to realize that Tobias wanted a favor. "I want it to be kept quiet until I'm sure. And that's where you come in." Dean smiled at him. "What can I do to help?"

"I need some blood from the girl that was found with Judy. I think everyone calls her Cleo." A look of surprise settled over Dean's face as he just stared at his friend. "You believe that Cleo is Georgiana." His question came out more of a statement. "Yeah, I talked with her for a bit and some of the things she mentioned... Well, only my sister and I would know exactly what happened. And Cleo, she knew everything."

"Alright, I'll help you, Tobias. But there is something that I think you should know." Tobias felt his heart stop, fearing the worse. "Now keep in mind that I don't know anything for sure as of yet, but I do believe that Gabriel and Cleo, or Georgiana if the tests come back positive, are mates."

"All I can say to that Dean, is I know that Gabriel is a good man. If Cleo is my sister, there is no one better between you or Gabriel that I would rather like being her mate." Dean chuckled as she shook his head. "I'm not sure that my brother knows what to do around Cleo. She's different from every woman he's ever met. That's not including the ordeal that she's been living through."

Tobias found himself nodding as he looked out of the office window. Scanning the multitude of faces below him, he soon found the one he sought. "She looks so much like my mother," he whispered more to himself than to Dean. "The doctor has a vial or two of her blood in his office."

A confused look settled over Tobias' face as he glanced back at his friend. "When she shifted about a month ago, he took some to run tests; just to make sure that she was alright." When the visiting alpha nodded, Dean kept talking. "Up until that moment, she didn't know that she was a werewolf; one of us. She told me that she couldn't remember anything at all about her past."

"I know, she told me." Shock fluttered over Dean as he just stared wide-eyed at Tobias. "What do you mean she told you?"

"We talked for a bit and she told me that she couldn't remember anything except for the pain and darkness that the man who had her, inflicted upon her." The anger in his voice was plainly heard, his fists balled tight as he struggled to keep his emotions under control. Dean didn't say anything for a while as a comfortable silence settled over the two of them. Finally, he stood and made his way over to Tobias.

"What do you say we head down to doc's office and let him draw a bit of your blood? He can run it against Cleo's to see if she is Georgiana. And I promise that no one except for the three of us will know about it." With one last glance towards Cleo, Tobias followed Dean from the office. 

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