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My eyes slowly opened as the familiar stinging feeling flooded my entire body. I let my eyes close when nothing but darkness stared back at me. My thoughts turned to the life I had before I had been taken away from it, from everyone who ever loved me. Years had passed since then and I knew that they had given up on me. They all must believe that I was dead by now.

Did I have a family out there somewhere wondering where I am? Or was I like I am now, alone? So much time has gone by since then. Time had no meaning for me now. I was stuck in this darkness and I would never escape it.

Somewhere outside of the poor excuse of a cell, I could hear the soft dripping of water. For a brief second, I could taste the cool, refreshing liquid as it slid down my throat, quenching my thirst. The sound of a door opening and slow, heavy footsteps against the cobble stone floor instantly overpowered the soft drip drop sound that had a way of calming me.

Several soft whimpers could be heard and I felt pity for them. They hadn't been locked up here as long as I had. They still held onto the hope that one day they would be found and taken back to their families. It saddened me that he would break them of that hope soon.

The footsteps stopped just outside of my cell and I knew what was coming. A small part of me was relieved that he hadn't chosen one of the newer girls that surrounded me but I never saw. I was used to the treatments he dealt out, I could take it. But I knew in the back of my mind, one day, they too would be able to withstand what he did to them.

The needle was swiftly removed from my arm as I was roughly picked up. The guard pushed me ahead of him, and I stumbled. My body was weak beyond belief, but for some reason, it refused to give up like I had. "The master requested you for tonight." The guard sneered at me, laughing as I was drug from the darkness. I never understood how the guards could see in such darkness when I couldn't even see my hand just centimeters from my face. Six hundred steps later, we reached the door. Just seconds before he opened it, I closed my eyes so the light wouldn't hurt them.

I kept them closed as they took me up three flights of stairs and down a very long hallway. Another door opened and I was handed over to another man, a man that I hated with everything within me. His voice sounded loud as he ordered the men to make sure that he would not be disturbed for the rest of the night and then the door was closed. He laughed when he noticed my eyes were closed, but he didn't say anything. By now, he was used to not seeing my eyes. As he slowly led me towards his bed, I lost myself in my mind. It was my own way of protecting my-self I guess. Everything that was done or said, I would not remember once I came to back in my cell.

The slight breeze softly blew through my hair as I hid beneath the willow tree. A smile played on my lips as I heard a boy calling out, slowly growing closer to where I was. "Come on Georgiana! Mama's gonna be mad if you tear your dress again."

I giggled and quickly stepped out, smiling at the boy. "Ok bubba. Race you home." I challenged him as I took off running through the woods, my destination was home. My laughter rang out loudly as he chased after me, his face shining with joy.

Because of my little head start, I was just out of sight from him. My little body slammed into something warm and sent me flying back. Startled, I look up from where I was lying and fear flooded my body. "Toby!" My voice called out as the red eyed, black creature slowly started walking towards me. My brother called out for me, but his voice sounded farther away than before.

The creature swiped my body with his paw causing his claws to dig deep into my shoulder and back. I screamed with pain as tears clouded my vision. I could Toby calling out for me again, but my body couldn't handle the shock. My eyes closed and the darkness swallowed me.

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