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My body rolled over as a soft moan left my lips. The softness beneath me had my body becoming still instantly. My cot was not as soft as this. The only thing that I knew was as soft as what I was lying on, was the master's bed. My eyes flew open expecting to see the gray walls of his room, but instead they fell on white walls. There was a needle in my arm, but whatever was being put into my body didn't burn as it once had.

I could hear faint voices outside the door and I wondered if I had been moved. My eyes landed on the box thing beside my bed and I stared at it. The red and green lines that flashed across the screen puzzled me. What did they mean? A soft knock on the door had my eyes snapping to my left. I watched as a beautiful woman in a white coat slowly stepped into the room.

She gave me a smile, but I didn't return it. I watched her closely as she walked towards me. "The other girls told me that your name is Cleo. Is that correct?" She asked me, looking down at the papers in her hands. I shrug slowly, not letting my eyes leave her.

"Do you know you're name, dear?" The brief shake of my head caused a small frown to appear on her face but it was quickly gone. "How long have you been locked in that cell?" I gave her another shrug. I knew nothing about everything. "Can you talk?" She asked me softly, her eyes shining with tears. This question brought another shrug from me and I watched as she marked something on her papers.

"The girls told me that you were there when they first appeared. Is that right?" I nodded yes slowly. "Can you remember if there were any girls when you were first taken?" I shake my head no. Until Tracey and the others, I had been alone.

The woman stayed in my room asking me question after question, most of which I had no answer for. After awhile, she left and I let out a sigh. I was just about asleep when I heard my door slowly opening. Fear surged through me as I sat up and looked towards it. A young woman who was pretty pale was slowly pushing a wheel chair towards my bed. When she saw that I was looking at her, she smiled brightly at me.

"Hey Cleo, it's good to finally be able to put a face to the name after so long." I just stared at her. Instantly, I recognized her voice. She was Judy. "I told you that my pack would find me, us, one day." The joy I saw on her face made my heart clench.

She fell silent as we just stared at each other. "Do... Do you have someone looking for you?" She asked her voice almost too soft to hear. I slowly shake my head no. Her eyes lit up as she smiled again. "Then you're coming back with me to my pack. They'll love you, I'm sure." I just looked at her confused. There she goes with that 'pack' thing again.

She was about to ask me something else when my door opened and two very large men stepped in. Immediately, I froze. My eyes were glued to them, watching them like a hawk. They looked bigger than the master had been. Had he sent them after us? Were they here to take us back only to kill us? Fear overwhelmed me, but I hid it well.

One of the men slapped the other on his back, a smile splitting his face. His eyes were dancing as happiness seeped from him. "I told you I heard her voice." Judy spun her wheelchair around and squealed when she saw the men. Both of them rushed towards her, throwing her arms around her as they did.

Several moments passed before they pulled away. "Cleo, I'd like to introduce you to my brothers. Gabriel, Dean, I'd like to introduce Cleo. She was one of the girls that were being held captive with me." They nodded their heads at me, but I didn't meet their gazes. "Has her pack been notified that she's been found?" One of the men asked and I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes. What was with these people talking so funny?

"I don't know. I'm not sure if she has one. From what the others and I understood, she was there in those cells long before we ever came along." I could feel all three of their eyes staring at me, but I just kept mine locked on the blanket that covered me. "Dean," Judy spoke suddenly, her voice filled with excitement, "since you're the alpha, could you allow Cleo to come stay with us."

"I... I will. I'll pass the word along so no one will bother her." Judy squealed again and I wanted to cover my ears. "Thank you, thank you."

"You don't have to thank me sister. Any alpha worth his wolf would take her in. I'm betting that once she heals up and gets her strength back, she'll make a fine addition to our pack. That is, of course, if she chooses to stay with us. She might remember who her pack was and go back to them." I could feel his eyes looking at me, almost pleading with me to look at him. But I kept my eyes down. To meet the eyes of someone better than me would result in a harsh beating. I had no way of knowing if they were just pretending of being nice. Though, I had to admit from watching them with Judy, it would seem that they weren't faking their actions.

I shook my head, driving the thoughts of the master away. He was a cruel man, a monster. No one could be as evil as he is.

Judy and her brothers stayed for several hours in my room, 'catching up' as Judy called it. The first time I heard her brothers laughing, I tensed up waiting for the guards to come in and punish us all for talking. But when nothing happened, I slowly relaxed. Maybe this was just something I imagined and I was still just lying on my cot, dying. If this was death, then I had spent years worrying for nothing. The laughter from the others had a soothing effect on me, and before I knew it, I was slowly drifting to sleep.

The next time I came to, it was dark and although my body was still, I could tell that we were moving. Warmth flooded my small body and I sighed softly. I couldn't remember a time when I had been this warm; a time where my bones hadn't been crying out for just a little heat. Not wanting to over think it, I just simply curl closer to the heat as I let my body soak up as much of it as it could.

Not too long after I woke up, whatever we were in came to a stop. A door was opened and I shivered as a blast of chilly air hit me. Someone's arms tightened around me as they stepped out of whatever we were in and started walking. Opening my eyes, I try to sit up. "Easy there Cleo." Gabriel spoke softly as he held me still. "I've got you." I could hear Judy's happy voice ahead of me and I allowed myself to relax.

Gabriel carried me into the house and up the stairs. I could feel people watching me, but I was used to being stared at. After climbing four hundred, he headed down a hallway and soon came to a stop in front of a door. He entered the room without knocking and gently sat me down on the bed. I didn't move away from him, I had learned the hard way about doing that. But I kept my eyes glued to him.

I watched as he slowly took several steps away from me, smiling softly at me. "This is your room from now on, Cleo. No one will come in without permission from you first. Do you understand?" He asked and I slowly nodded yes. I didn't understand why they were being nice to me. They didn't know me.

"Breakfast is at seven in the morning. Judy said that she would come and get you so you wouldn't miss it. She also said she'd bring you some clothes to wear." Silence fell between us and I could tell that he was a little uncomfortable. "Do you need anything?"

I shake my head no and he bid me good night. When he left, he shut the door behind him and I stayed where I was until I could no longer hear any footsteps. Slowly, I slipped off the bed and made my way to the door. I had seen the master lock his often enough to know how to lock it. Feeling a little safer, I walked back to the bed and crawled under the covers. 

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