Eric in Double-Trouble

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Milo woke up that morning strangely refreshed.  After breakfast, Milo began getting his things together just as the bus stopped at their house, "Oh, school bus.  Gotta go."

"Don't be late coming back this time."

"I won't."

Once on the bus, Milo put on his earbuds and began thinking about what would happen that day.  Nobody sat with him on the bus, so it gave him time and quiet to think.  The nice thing would be that Kristoff would always be waiting in the library for him.  Eric always took his girlfriend, Ariel, out to breakfast every morning.  This made him wonder sometimes how much Eric made everyday.

Once they dropped off the jr. high students, they headed to the high school.  As soon as they were let off, Milo made his way to the library.  Kristoff was there working on his homework when Milo came in, "Hey bud."

"Hey Kris."

"What d'ya get for question 5 on the history study guide?"


"Shoot.  I put B." he changed his answer.  Milo giggled, "Same time period, different person."

"Right."  Kristoff's smile sank into a worried frown, "By the way, tell me if this is right or not, but word has it Hans wedgied you yesterday."  Milo brushed a hand behind his neck, "Oh, yeah. Eric helped me out."  Kristoff put a hand on Milo's shoulder, "You okay?"  Milo nodded, "I'll live.  I went ahead and reported the incident to Mr. Phoebus.  Better he knows now than never."  Kristoff nodded with a smirk, "Yeah, considering how much he does, he's the only person to tell."

"Yea, no kidding."  Kristoff looked up at the clock and saw Anna who blushed and waved at him.  Kristoff smiled and waved back just as the bell rung.  The boys began packing back up, "See you next period?"  Milo nodded, "'Later."

When Milo stepped outside towards the math building where he also did Debate Team, he took a sniff of the fresh morning air which was always welcome at the start of the day.  Just as he was about to head in, he heard a scream.  On instinct, he turned away from the door and headed towards the sound coming from the other side of the building.  Hans was wedging Eric up in a tree!  Milo watched with mounting anger, it felt as though a match had been lit inside him, "Hey, leave him alone!"  Hans looked up startled and diverted his attention from Eric to Milo like a magnet.  He snapped the backside of Eric's underwear back and took the collar of his shirt, "Don't you move a muscle."  Eric stared back petrified.  Hans turned to Milo who'd already stepped within easy reach, "So, you comin' back for seconds?"  Milo looked at him skeptically, "I'm comin' here for Eric; it's called being a friend, Hans."

"Oh, scary." Hans mocked him.  Milo rolled his eyes, "Yea, you think you're being funny, but you're really hurting people when you do that.  Just the way you and the others do it to me and everyone has gotten me to get some help from Mr. Phoebus."  Hans glared at him, "So, what? You being a snitchy crybaby?"  Milo put his hands on his hips, "You know, if that's what it takes to get you to stop, then yeah.  I guess I am."  Just at that point, the bell rang and a message came over the intercom, "Pardon the interruption, the following students need to report to the office at this time: Milo Thatch and Hans South, please report to the office at this time."  Milo turned to the still petrified Eric, "Eric, you better go ahead and get to class.  Just tell the truth."  Eric nodded and ran off to class.  Hans gave Milo one last glare and the two walked in silence to the office.

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