Let's get it on, Not

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Let's get it on, Not

Every once in a while Wesker starts to act weird. He gets more irritable and uncomfortable the longer he is in a room with me. It is starting to get on my nerves when I'm in the middle of asking him something and he just leaves.

"That was rude."

He doesn't really respond but just keeps walking. And then a little later he'll come back and want to continue what ever it was we were doing. By then I've most likely forgotten the question I was about to ask.

Other then that not much has changed, Zhane says the babies are growing a little fast but that is most likely due to the virus. He further explained that it might speed up the due date depending on how much faster the babies continue to grow. That makes me slightly worried in terms of finding a place and an explanation to give to Claire. I don't have as much time as I had hoped.

When I mention this to Wesker-who is reading the paper- he gives a grunt and nothing more. He should be more concerned though, I am.

Because I have more free time I take walks often, with P.B. of course. That puppy has so much energy and no where to let loose. This is also a good exercise for the dog in getting him acclimated to people and little kids. They love to come up to him when I walk through the park.

When I get home I'm usually tired. I remember reading that women get tired faster when pregnant but I didn't think it would happen this early.

The other day I had gotten bored and so I sat down with a calendar and was counting out the months. (A/N: I'm just going to say that he got pregnant in April) The babies look like they will be arriving some time in December. That isn't so bad; I'll be able to save money for birthday presents and Christmas gifts. This is all assuming the virus doesn't speed up this whole process before then. It is going to be hard enough explaining my weight I don't think people would understand the fast rate of my weight gain.

Talking to Zhane he said the virus had sped up a week of their growth. So even though I've been pregnant for two months and almost a week they have grown to be two months and two weeks in size.

Now I understand why women hate to stand on their feet when they are carrying. I also have to pee more frequently. The morning sickness has stopped- for the time being- I hope I'm not like some who are sick through out the whole thing.

I try limiting my food intake, but I feel starved almost all the time. Zhane points to the kids, they need a bit more because there is two of them plus me.


When I had been walking to the bathroom earlier today I had to pass Albert in the hallway. I had slightly brushed him with my shoulder and his whole body had frozen in place, I had just kept walking not really paying attention to it at the time. But now though I'm starting to wonder if he is getting sick of this. He can't stand to be near me. When I ask him about it he never really says, just brushes me off. I was worried that he was having second thoughts; maybe he wasn't as ready for this as he made it seem. But neither am I.

'I don't think it's that.'

'Well then what do you think it is?'

'You remember in Africa how you could barley restrain yourself from jumping Wesker?'

I blush slightly but nod my head.

'I think that is what is happening to him, I am not all that sure though.'

'I thought it was the virus that made me do it? He doesn't have the same thing that I do, does he?'

'No but your viruses have come in to contact with each other already. They take on a certain instinct when around one another. It's like animals in heat; they have this uncontrollable need to screw. Which also might explain why the virus is speeding up the babies' growth, it wants to procreate and spread its offspring.'

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