(Chapter 1) Heartbreaking Memory

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Warning Heart breaking (exact) Scene from Origins or Olympus

Bryan was walking towards the light

"Wait.." Bryan said

Just then he runs back to Inpu and jumps into his arms wrapping his legs around Inpu wishing that he would never let go..

"I'm gonna miss you so much.." Bryan said with tears streaming down his face.

"I'm gonna miss you too.. I-I really will" Inpu said also about to tear up while holding bryan tighter.

"One.. Last kiss..?" Bryan had said trying to fight back more tears from coming

Inpu smiled a bit "Of course.. of course" He said to his lover as he gave him one last passionate kiss goodbye.

Bryan had gotten down from Inpu's embrace and Bryan had given Inpu one last tail scratch, Which had made Inpu giggle a bit. Then Bryan gave Inpu his sword to remember him by.

"Inpu.. Could you do me one last favor before i go?" Bryan said as he had one last request. "yes what's up dear..?" Bryan looked at inpu "Could you tell everybody at the camp... that i love them?"

Inpu was silent for a moment "Well of course.. Yea of course. I'll make sure to get your message right out to them" Bryan looked down and turned around "Okay.." He started walking towards the light.

"Goodbye my love.." He said

"Until we meet again.." Inpu said as he watched his husband walk into the afterlife

"Until we meet again.." Inpu repeated

Inpu had told everyone at the camp on what had happen to bryan.. They were all shocked and sad that their friend had part ways from them. They felt bad the most for inpu because they were just wedded not to long ago.. They tried to cheer him up but all he could think about was his lover...

My dear..❤ (Bryan x Inpu Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now