Chapter 2: Jo Wilson (Part 2)

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I could see the intern locker room bustling with commotion. There were so many interns and I calmly made my way to my locker. Everyone was talking and clearly excited for out first day. I preferred to take a more quiet approach. I'm an observer.

"I'm Shane Ross!" A guy from behind me said. He seemed very excited to be here, more so than some of the others. Apparently he was dead set on becoming a neurosurgeon. I don't know how anyone could pick a specialty that fast.

"I'm Jo Wilson," I heard to the left of me. I smiled at the girl with long wavy hair and introduced myself.

"I'm y/n Montgomery-Sloan." We were interrupted by another girl to my right.

"I'm Stephanie Edwards. Are you Mark Sloan and Addison Montgomery's daughter?" I nodded at her with a proud smile. Of course she knew my parents, who doesn't. I love them, but I'm my own person with or without their surnames.

"No fair they're attendings you'll get all the good surgeries!" Jo whined next to me. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips. I may be their daughter, but I'm still an intern. I'm at the bottom of the surgical food chain as Aunt Meredith puts it. I tried to respond to Jo, but someone interrupted us.

"Actually Wilson they're Heads of their respective departments. This is my hospital and not y/n or any of you will be getting special treatment." Chief Bailey spoke with such a command that it was hard not to respect her.

Even Jo Wilson shut her mouth as soon as Bailey began talking, which I was grateful for.

"Your attendings are on this sheet and in your email. Get to work people your first forty-eight hour shift begins now." We all hustled out of the locker room and began the hunt for our own attending.

I'd heard mom and dad mention Dr. Robbins in conversation before, but I had never met her. I'd never really met any of the doctors other than my family.

Uncle Derek and Aunt Meredith I'd known since I was born. My mom used to be married to Derek, but that ended when he met Meredith. Uncle Derek was also my dad's best friend so it was a given that he was my god father. I've heard there was a big ordeal before I was born, but neither of my parents gave me the full scoop.

Other than Derek and Meredith I knew Aunt Amelia, she's Derek's sister and they work in neuro together, but my mom also considers her a sister. She was deemed my god mother before mom was even pregnant. I also know the Co-Chiefs of Cardio; Maggie Pierce and Cristina Yang. Maggie is one of Meredith's sisters while Cristina is her person and best friend. I've had dinner with all three women on multiple occasions as they were always at Meredith's house when I was.

The only other surgeon I knew was Lexie Grey-Sloan, my father's wife and Meredith's second sister. I just call her Lexie, but she's an incredibly gifted neuro attending. Come to think of it all of the attendings are incredibly gifted. I had even heard Arizona Robbins was one of the few fetal surgeons in the country which was impressive!

Somehow though I couldn't find Arizona anywhere in this hospital! I've been to SGMW Hospital dozens of times and practically memorized the layout, but Arizona was nowhere to be found and she definitely wasn't on the Peds floor, at least not to my knowledge. I kept looking until I gave up and decided to ask Stephanie.

"Hey, Stephanie whose service are you on?" Before Stephanie even got the chance to answer I was being yelled at. Great my first day and I already get yelled at.

"Montgomery-Sloan, you're late for rounds!" I turned to face the person yelling at me only to freeze in my spot. I know I'm being yelled at and that's bad, but I couldn't help the blush that rose to my cheeks. I quickly regained my composure and jogged up to presumably Arizona Robbins and felt terrible for being late.

Also how could one woman look so beautiful even when she was clearly angry?

Her shoulder length blonde hair sat perfectly as her blue eyes drew me in. They somehow made me melt and I knew I never wanted to make her angry again.

"As I was saying these are tiny humans. Do not confuse this as general surgery in miniature. These tiny humans deserve your upmost attention. Let's continue and don't be late again Montgomery-Sloan."

"Yes Dr. Robbins." I replied following as quickly as I could.

"So much for being a Montgomery-Sloan," Jo snickered from behind me. I chose to ignore Jo and just listen to anything and everything Dr. Robbins said. Even though I was a few feet behind her I could smell the vanilla radiating off of her and it just made me that much more intrigued. Dammit y/n get it together! She's an attending!

We all followed closely behind Dr. Robbins and each time she chose someone different to present. As I waited for my turn I scanned through the digital charts making sure I knew all of her patients

"Montgomery-Sloan you're presenting this one." As we entered the room Dr. Robbins smiled at me and thankfully I had the chart already pull up because I felt dizzy.

"This is Julian James,"

"JJ!" The little boy squealed. He was absolutely adorable.

"JJ, he is four years old and has a Wilms Tumor in his left kidney. Today he is scheduled for a transplant which he will receive from his 33 year old father Justin James. The surgery will be at 1 p.m. performed by Dr. Robbins and Dr. Grey." I said smiling. Both JJ and his dad were smiling. It felt good to present for the first time and even though JJ was surely in pain he was just such a happy kid. Arizona gave me a small smile as JJ began to talk.

"Today William leaves?" JJ asked happily. He was looking directly at me so the only logical thing I could do was answer.

"That's right JJ today Dr. Robbins will use her magic doctor powers to make William leave." I loved talking to kids. Having so many younger siblings made it easy to understand them at their level.

"See dada, I told you William was leaving!" JJ yelled to his dad excitedly.

"Will make William leave Dr. Montgummy-Soan?" It was so sweet hearing him try to pronounce my last name.

"I will not, but I can come check on you when William is gone. How does that sound?"

"Awesome!" I smiled at him and left the room with the rest of the interns.

"How did you know who William was?" Shane asked me in amazement.

"I have little siblings and besides William sounds like Wilm so it makes sense that he was referring to the tumor." I shrugged and we all followed along.

Rounds went by quicker than expected and soon all the interns were dispersed; running labs and prepping patients. I was the only one left in Arizona's presence as she hadn't given me a task.

"What specialty are you most interested in y/n?" Dr. Robbins was no longer angry with me and her smiles sent butterflies to my stomach. I hadn't really realized she was still waiting for an answer until she cleared her throat.

"Oh, sorry. I don't really have a preferred specialty yet, but I do like Peds, General, and Plastics." I basically just told her I was super indecisive, great!

"I heard you requested Peds for your first day or rather your mother did." I blushed bright red. No one was supposed to know about that. Arizona laughed as she looked over some charts.

"Word travels fast in this hospital Montgomery-Sloan. Based on the way you interacted with JJ I'd say you should stick to Peds. I look forward to the next few days with you on my service." With that Arizona handed me some labs and walked away.

This week was going to kill me if I don't get the flutter in my stomach under control.

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