Chapter 13: Sleepover

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"Sissy, Jackie!" Emma squealed, running into my arms.

"We have sweepover today?" Nick asked rubbing his eyes.

"We sure are Nicky. Where are Sofia and Luke?" Nick pointed to his two older siblings sitting with Zola and Bailey. When they spotted us the four of them ran up to us tackling us to the ground. They are adorable, but definitely not tiny anymore.  

"Y/n can Zola and Bailey and Ellis come to the sleepover too?" My mouth fell open as I thought about what my sister asked. My four siblings plus my three cousins and Harriet all in one house with me and Jackson is a lot, but before I could say anything Jackson spoke up.

"Of course!" I gave Jacks a shocked look and he just shrugged. They all jumped up happily together almost forgetting Jackson and I even existed. 

"You do realize what you just agreed to right?"

"If I'm correct we will have eight kids tonight. Besides Zola and Sofia are 11 and 10, they're fine. Bailey and Lucas are both eight and get along great. The twins and Ellis are five with Harriet not far behind at four. Don't worry Eves, we'll be fine." Jackson laughed nervously as I called Uncle Derek.

"Hey Kiddo, what's up I'm in surgery with Mer and Lexie."

"Well Jacks just agreed to let Zola, Bailey, and Ellis join our sleepover so I was just asking permission." Derek, Lexie, and Meredith laughed loudly through the phone.

"It's not funny guys, just be glad I love them."

"We'll I'm sure they'll have fun with Luke and the twins. They'll love it. Thank you Kiddo."

"Thank you y/n!" Lexie and Aunt Mer chimed in as I hung up the phone only to run into Aunt Amelia. 

"Girly, I'm so glad I caught you! Link and I just got pulled into emergency surgeries. Can you please watch Scout for us?" I pinched the bridge of my nose laughing.

"Yeah, of course Aunt Amy." 

"We are going to have fun tonight." Jackson laughed as Amelia handed me Scout. 


After stopping at Aunt Mer's house to grab clothes and toys for the four additions to our sleep over we were all finally at my apartment. Scout, being only a few months old slept peacefully in his carrier while the other eight ran to Sofia's room where all the toys were. 

"I'm so glad they all get along." Jackson said fondly.

"Considering they're all basically family in some way, they better." 

"How are you and Arizona?" Jackson asked as we got out the blow-up mattresses for later.

"It's nice. I mean we haven't had our first date yet, but we steal kisses around the halls and she makes me smile. It's all so new, Jacks."

"I remember that feeling with April. I'm really happy for you Eves. How many mattresses do you have?"

"Well one will go in Sofia's room for Zola. One in my room so Bailey and Lucas can share that room. And the other three we can put inside the couches in the living room for Nick, Emma, Ellis, and Harriet. I was thinking we could sleep on the couches and I brought Scout's play pen. So I have five in total." 

"Why do you have so many? You have a three bedroom apartment." 

"Well I have four siblings and they used to like sharing the living room with me so there you go." Just as the mattresses were blown up, we heard eight pairs of legs running towards us.

"Y/n! Jackson! Daddy! Can we watch Frozen?" A chorus of voices all asked.

"Absolutely! But we have to eat dinner first and then put our jammies on. Is that a deal?" They all nodded furiously and ran to the kitchen to see pizza waiting for them. Zola began serving her siblings as Sofia did hers. It was the cutest thing having them all patiently wait for their pizza. Sofia even gave Harriet a slice and they all sat at my large dining table.


"Yes Nicky?" I asked as I fed Scout his night bottle. He too had to eat dinner.

"When is Daddy gonna wake up?" Everyone got quiet and turned to me. Their beloved dad, uncle, and even grandpa as Harriet affectionately called him was a doctor in a hospital bed. It was not something they liked to see or even saw at all.

"I'm not sure Nicky. He needs time to get better. I hope he wakes up soon though."

"Me too, Uncle Mark is funny." Ellis said with a smile warming my heart. These kids deserved answers that I didn't have. I'm a doctor and I can't even help my own dad. It broke my heart.

"Pizza all gone." Harriet smiled brightly me, oblivious to her breaking the tension at the table. 

"That's awesome Hare Bear! Let's go get changed." Harriet followed Scout and I into the room. Insisting she was a big girl she picked her own pajamas and even dressed herself as I changed Scout's diaper.

"Auntie Eves?"

"Yes Hare Bear?" I turned to see Harriet stuck in her shirt. I stifled a laugh as I helped her and proceeded to tickle her. Her giggles were the cutest thing ever. There was a soft knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Emma and Ellis!" The two girls shouted, "Come in." The two girls walked in hand in hand carrying their overnight back packs.

"Uncle Jackson said it was jammie time!" Ellis smiled. 

"It sure is. Do you two want help?"

"No," they chimed in unison.

"Okay, if you need me I'll be outside. Emma you go in the bathroom and Ellis stay in the room." Harriet took my free hand and walked back to the living room with me and Scout where Sofia and Zola were already waiting in their pajamas. I noticed the brush in Sofia's hand and smiled to myself placing a groggy Scout in his playpen. 

"Will you brush mi pelo hermana?" I nodded and took Sofia's seat as she sat on the floor in front of me. 

"Why does y/n brush your hair?" Zola asked playing with her own hair. 

"Because I asked her to and I like it." Sofia shrugged. I could see the way Zola's chin dipped almost touching her chest.

"You know Zozo, maybe next time I come over I can do your hair for you and we can have a mini spa day?" Her eyes lit up as she nodded happily.

"Emma's turn?" My youngest sister asked as she ran into Sofia's arms. I nodded as she replaced Sofia on the floor. 

"Can I brush your hair y/n?" I turned to the four boys entering with their pajamas surprised to hear Bailey's voice.

"Absolutely Bailey." 

"You know I used to brush mommy's hair. She said I was good at it." Bailey said puffing his chest out referring to Aunt Meredith. I now sat on the floor with Emma in between my legs softly running my fingers through her hair. Bailey was gentle as he slowly ran the brush through my hair. It was the sweetest thing.

"How'd I do?"

"Awesome Bailey! Thank you. Anyone else want their hair brushed?"

"Lucas turn!" Harriet yelled as she took the brush from Bailey. Although Lucas was half a foot taller than Harriet he obediently sat in his spot waiting for her to brush through his short brown hair. 

"Thank you Harriet."

"Welcomes Lucas." After everyone else in the room got their hair brushed it was finally time to watch Frozen. They had all agreed that Frozen II was their movie of choice. 

"Ahh ahh!" They all screamed as the movie began. Jackson and I smiled at each other from across the room just enjoying the movie and our family in front of us. 


A/N. I made the Sloan siblings a bit older because it flows a bit better age wise. I didn't plan out the story too well when I first started, but hopefully the change isn't too confusing.

Sofia went from 7 to 10

Lucas went from to 5 to 8

Nick and Emma went from 4 to 5

And theoretically Y/n in terms of context is between 24-26, but that doesn't really matter. In a later chapter I will explain how Y/n fits into Addie, Mark, and Derek's history. 

Magic SmileOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora