Chapter 12: Friends? (Part 12)

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⚠️Reference to Abuse⚠️

It was only my first week but I swear I barely got any time to myself! It's a good thing I loved work. What sucks is that even though I finish early Arizona still has to work. Somehow we both ended up on opposing schedules. Whenever I'm working she's off and vise versa.

I have to wait a whole week before we can even go on our first date which I'm excitedly nervous for. She hasn't told me any details yet, but it doesn't faze me. Tonight is the first night I'm not on call, but that doesn't mean I get a break.

Me being the good big sister I am I promised all four of my younger siblings we could have a sleep over. Thankfully Jackson is off too and he agreed to help me. He loves them just as much as I do. We really are family.

"You're still working?" My mom scared the literal shit out of me. I had been walking in the halls minding my own business when she tapped me from behind.

"Jesus mom, you scared me. But no, I'm done working. I'm going to pick up the kids. I promised them a sleepover." She scrunched her nose to that. She loved my siblings but knew they could be a hand full.

"Good luck baby. Call me if you need anything."

"I will, but don't worry Jacks is coming over too!" She kissed me on the cheek before rounding on her patients. As I walked to the day care I heard sniffles from around the corner. When I looked Jo was crying on the floor. I can't stand when people cry, it makes me sad too.

"Jo are you okay? What happened?" As she looked up at me her eyes darkened and her face reddened.

"Nothing y/n!" I'm surprised no one heard her yelling, but that was a clear 'leave me alone' so I turned on my heals to leave.

"Wait, stay. Please." She was practically begging so I sat down beside her. Even though she'd been nothing but aggravating to me no one deserved to be in any type of pain. Her cries were soft but clearly full of anger and sorrow. I just sat with Jo. I'm not really sure what to expect, but she needs someone and the kids could wait a little bit.

"Someone from my past made an unwanted visit and didn't like that I'm finally happy." Her arm is raked with fingernail marks and blood both dried and fresh. I didn't know what to do. Being a doctor completely went over my head. I didn't want to step on Jo's toes. Not to mention we weren't exactly friends.

"What do you want to do?" Jo's eyes widened. It's clear no one ever asked her how she felt often. She deserved to choose what she wanted to do with her body. Her body her choice and I was not going to force her into anything especially not when she's vulnerable.

"Can you bandage me up? I don't want anyone else to know. Please don't tell anyone."

"Of course, and I would never tell anyone Jo." She followed me into an empty room and I began triaging her wound. She didn't flinch once.

"The wounds are deep I'm gonna have to stitch them is that okay?"

"Yes." Thanks to my dad I had amazing technique and there would definitely be no scaring. Silent tears fell from her cheeks. She just let them fall not even bothering to wipe them away.

"Why are you helping me Montgomery-Sloan?" I sighed into a smile.

"You're not my enemy Jo. I'm not sure why you don't like me, but we're in the same class. We both have to be interns together. Besides no one should have to be alone when they're hurting."

"Thank you Mont-Y/n. I don't hate you. Honestly I was just jealous of things like this. I don't understand how your stitch is so seamless. But really thank you!"

"My dad is like the best plastic surgeon. He's been teaching me stitches since I could hold thread. I'll teach you if you want, but just promise me if this person shows up again you'll page me and I'll help you no questions asked."

Jo just nodded at me and pulled me into a big hug being sure not to aggravate her stitches.

"It feels good to finally have a friend." She smiled at me before being paged away. As I cleaned up I heard the door open and looked up to see beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey, I thought you had surgery?" Arizona's eyes were bloodshot and I immediately rushed to her side pushing the suture kit aside.

"It's okay, what's the matter? I'm right here Smile." She sobbed into my arms babbling, but I couldn't understand a thing she said.

"Breathe Arizona. Match my breathing. In for three out for six. Everything is going to be okay." She stared into my eyes matching my breathing, finally taking in some air.

"I...I lost a patient. It was a just a routine appendectomy and she kept throwing blood clots. She wasn't supposed to die Magic. I don't know what happened!"

"It happens. It wasn't your fault Arizona. Do you need me to go with you when you tell the parents?" Arizona searched my eyes before nodding yes. I kissed her softly on the cheek before we exited the room.

She led me to the parents and I stood behind Arizona as the hopeful looks on their faces turned sour. The father's cried into each other's arms collapsing into the couch holding one another. Alex offered to take them to see their daughter letting Arizona and I walk away.

As we left Arizona threaded out fingers together pulling me into an on-call room.

"Arizona, I'm not.... we're not." I say biting my lip. I can feel my heart thumping against my rib cage when she pulled me onto her. I was completely on top of her.

"Just hold me. Please." Her voice sounds so small as more tears fall down her face. I placed my lips onto her forehead and pulled her as close as possible without crushing her beneath me. Soon enough her breathing steadied and her tears stopped falling as light snores filled the room.

I carefully pealed myself from her softly kissing her lips and slipping out of the room to crash straight into Jackson.

"Shhh." I whispered as I closed the on-call room door fixing my shirt. Jackson smirked at me and wiggled his eyes brows suggestively.

"Oh so not what you think Jacks. She lost a patient and just wanted me to hold her. Nothing happened. It's too soon."

"No wonder I couldn't find you anywhere. I thought you'd be with dad. Are you ready to get the little monsters?"

"Yeah Jacks, let's go. While they're still little."

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