Chapter 15: Neuro, Day 6

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I absolutely love Neuro! What more can I say? Aunt Amelia was also a freaking superhero in the OR. We'd clipped multiple aneurysms and dealt with three tumors.

It's just gone by so fast, but today I get to be with Uncle Derek which is also exciting. He's been really supportive this week, especially with dad in the coma. 

He checks on me every morning before rounds and sometimes even brings me coffee. I'm not sure I'd be able to function without him and the rest of my family.

I know dad would want me to be working, but knowing he's in this hospital but not working is something I like to forget whenever possible. 

I was stuck in my head filling out charts when my pager went off. 911 to the pit. Yes! It's my first time in the pit all week. Surprisingly I haven't spent much time there. From what Stephanie and Jo told me that's a good thing though.

Suturing superficial wounds was apparently not their favorite thing.  I wouldn't mind though, suturing reminds me of dad. Uncle Derek was waiting for me when I entered, but there wasn't a patient. 

"What do we have Unc- Dr. Shepherd?" Uncle Derek's brows pinched together at the formality, but I could see Dr. Bailey not too far from us and did not want to get in trouble.

Just because my family worked here did not mean I could always be so informal. 

"We were going to a trauma, but Amelia stole it. So I decided we're going to have a little competition to test your skills." I am so ready! 

"Who am I going against and what am I doing?" 

"Me. You may have your dad beat when it comes to suturing, but not me. There's a head lac in bed 5 and 3. You can pick any suture of your choice and then the attendings will choose which one is best." It seemed like a good challenge, but there wasn't a wager.

It's not fun if there isn't a wager.

"And if I win?" I questioned Uncle Derek. He had a devious smirk on his face, but he did not know what he was in for. I may be younger, but I have these suture techniques in the bag. 

"When I win," Uncle Derek corrected, "you have to do all the interns charts from this week. On the off chance that you win I will do the charts." He was so going to lose. There was no way I'm doing all those charts! Who knows how many there are. 

"You're on Dr. Shepherd. I'll take bed 3." And with that we practically flew to out patients. I looked down at the chart and up at my patient.

63 year old male with a scalp laceration. A large scalp lac at that. The cut went from the right side of his hair line to his left eye brow. It was huge! Luckily it didn't look too deep.

"Hello Mr. Green, I'm Dr. Montgomery-Sloan and I'm going to stitch up your scalp wound." He just nodded and continued looking at his phone. I did a quick exam just to make sure there was nothing else wrong. His pupils were equal and reactive and he was responsive.

"How'd you get the wound Mr. Green." I asked setting up my suture kit. He didn't seem like he wanted to talk. He looked almost embarrassed at the question. Even with his tanned skin I could see the blush that spread on his cheeks. 

"I was teaching my granddaughter to prepare fruits and when I turned my back she took my knife in her hand. When I tried to get it back, she got upset and cut me accidentally." I just nodded and got to work.

My go to suture is typically a vertical mattress suture, but in preservation of the face I decided to go with a running subcuticular suture. Definitely the best in this situation. I cleaned the wound and began completely blocking Uncle Derek from my mind and focusing on the stitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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