Chapter 16: Aunt Medusa (Part 13)

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Arizona and I still haven't been able to go on our first date. It's just stolen kisses and quick lunches when we get the chance. It's nice, but I've barely had a chance to get to know her. All I really know is she hates sandwiches, lives here alone, and is an amazing surgeon.

I also know how she makes me feel. It's like my heart is going to explode whenever I'm around her. Even in our odd surgical conversations I enjoy myself. It's a new feeling that I can only describe as weird, but I like it none the less. Arizona Robbins most definitely has me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it. (Arizona so knows)

It's only my third week at Seattle Grace Mercy West and I can tell this is where I'm meant to be. This hospital is really like no other. I'm comfortable but challenged and that's exactly how I like it. After my win against Uncle Derek last week I feel like I really have earned my place. I don't get as many looks for being the daughter of two successful surgeons.

It's nice and I think people are seeing me less as Addison and Mark's daughter and more as just Y/n Montgomery-Sloan. It's nice.

Today I'm on General and I'm so excited. Aunt Meredith is one of the most hardworking people I know and she's hard on everyone. The other interns have took to calling her Medusa, which I don't really understand when she's clearly just passionate.

She's much like Dr. Yang in that way. They're best friends and it really shows in the OR. They work like a well-oiled machine just like dad and Uncle Derek. I miss seeing dad and Uncle Derek work together. I miss dad in general.

I've checked on him every day and today is no different. I've pretty much just been in his room watching him breathe. It feels good sitting with him. I like to think he knows that I'm here. Maybe that's just a thing us doctors like to tell patients but it's slightly soothing.

As a doctor I can only hope that he hears what's going on because I sure do talk to him a lot. I haven't told him about Arizona though. I'm not sure if he'll approve. Sure he and Lexie were an attending and intern respectively, but maybe he won't want that for me.

Maybe I'm just being too critical as always, but it doesn't matter. I looked at the time and it was 4:15 am and rounds were staring in 30 minutes. It was definitely time to find Aunt Mer.

"I'm going to do rounds dad. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you." I lingered a few minutes hoping to see some movement, but only left the room disappointed.

"Why so sad Magic?" I turned to see a concerned beautiful blonde and smiled halfheartedly.

"Just my dad. I miss him. And I know he's not dead so I have no right to be so upset, but I miss talking to him and seeing him smile."

"Don't do that." Arizona says seriously as she stops in the middle of the empty hallway.

"Don't do what?" I can't bring myself to look at her so she guides my face up to hers with her hand under my chin.

"Don't invalidate your feelings like that Y/n. It is completely natural to miss him. I'd be more surprised if you didn't, but don't bottle up your emotions like that. They are real Magic." I didn't know what to say as I felt tears fall down my cheeks. Had I been bottling my feelings?

I wrapped my arms around Arizona not caring if someone saw and she held me tightly. Her arms were strong and comforting and everything I needed. When I finally pulled away she smiled softly down at me.

"I have good news if you want to hear it," I nodded and waited for her to continue, "We are both off on Saturday so I was thinking we could go on a date Friday night and maybe you could stay over my apartment?" I tensed at the offer, not sure if I wanted to go so fast with her.

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