Enyalië (Memories)

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Before you read on, I'd like to say that I'm so, so, so sorry for not updating in forever!
I honestly feel horrible. I lost the creativity for awhile. 😭


Bofur tried to scare me by describing how I could die by Smaug.

I looked him coldly in the eye. "Bofur. I'm not afraid of a Dragon. Sorry to disappoint you."

The Dwarves and Gandalf walked around the house for awhile and I waited for Diaval to return.


🌲 Things you'll need throughout the story 🪵
(I'll remind you)

Apostrophes in italics are thoughts 💭
- Example: 'what have I done?'

* Tolkien's languages will be translated within bold asterisks
- Example: "Well Met." *Mae Govannen.*

* Words in italics put emphasis on things
- Example: she ran for her life

* Visions will be seen within bold dash marks and asterisks. Lettering will be Italic.
- Example: -* I saw them running, running from what? *-

Song: Misty Mountains (Cold)
Artist: Dwarf Cast - The Hobbit

"She was never quite ready.
But she was brave.
And the Universe listens to brave."
- Rebecca Ray


I sat in the living room while the Dwarves wandered. Needing a break for only a moment.
Footsteps soon followed, however, making me internally sigh.
Looking up and away from the fire, I saw Thorin sitting across from me looking somewhat grim.
"Rhi...Rhiannon, are you positive you wish to join us on this quest? It could claim your life."
Looking, studying Thorin I noticed several differences from when he was younger. He had shaved his beard, had grey strands, and held a hard shell over him much like myself. Though for some reason I softened around these Dwarves. Why I was uncertain.
"Yes, Thorin. I'm joining you and the company. Nothing can change my mind, I'm sorry."
"I'll do all I can to protect you, though we both know you're capable of handling your own."
"That I am, Thorin."
With those words, he nodded and got up to talk to Balin.

I could vaguely hear them.

"So, have we lost our burglar?" Balin asked.
Thorin grunted. Not giving a yes nor a no.
"Probably for the best. The odds were always against us.
After all, what are we?
Merchants, miners, tinkers, toy-makers. He laughed. Hardly the stuff of legend."
Thorin spoke fondly to his old friend. "There are a few warriors amongst us."
"Old warriors." Balin replied.
"Aye, and new. She has agreed to join." Thorin informed Balin.
"I would take each and every one of these Dwarves, and Seer over an army from the Iron Hills. For when I called upon them, they answered."
"Loyalty, honor, a willing heart. I can ask no more than that."
"You don't have to do this! You have a choice. You've done honorably by our people. You have built a new life for us in the Blue Mountains. A life of peace and plenty. A life that is worth more than all the gold in Erebor." Balin spoke, insisted.
"From my grandfather, to my father, this has come to me. They dreamt of the day when the Dwarves of Erebor would reclaim their homeland. There is no choice, Balin. Not for me. And once Erebor is reclaimed, I must help Rhi take back her home."

Dealing With Darkness {Hobbit Fanfic} Thorin/OCWhere stories live. Discover now