Part II: Grell

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The next morning he went to school without having anything for breakfast. He wasn't prepared for his day at school, when Grell sat all by himself, avoiding hateful glances, doing his best to ignore their spiteful comments and endured their painful punches.

He eventually got up, going to the bathroom and locking himself up in a stall. He cried. He wished he had not been born a male...he was aware he could never tell anyone that. They wouldn't understand. Wouldn't accept it. They would cause him even more pain. No...he had to keep it a secret.

He scratched at his arms, making them bleed again. He didn't care. The pain was the only thing letting him know he was still alive. Though he started to wish he wasn't. He had nothing left. No one would care if he was gone anyways, right? They all hated him. Probably not even his father would come to his funeral.

The school bell rang, and he sighed quietly. Class had started again. He got up, pulling down his sleeves again, once more dragging himself to class, forcing himself not to just leave the building and go to his favorite place by the London bridge, down at the river...

He didn't pay attention to class. Instead thinking, about his life, and how he should proceed with it. He came to a point where he decided he wouldn't stay in this cruel place. That he'd leave...forever. 'Maybe death will bring me the peace I need...' he thought to himself. He nodded mentally. Yes, he'd do it. He'd let himself rest, peacefully, at last... Now he'd just have to decide how to go about it...


Hey! Sorry for not updating this in so long, I've been busy with school and stuff. And I've been role-playing a lot to get motivation and ideas for this part. You know, writing this brings me down a lot. It's hard to stay concentrated and not let my mind wander to dark places. Anyways, I hope you liked this part. Thanks for reading.

Last escape... (a Black Butler story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora