Part II: Undertaker

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The next day, Allen got up, his mind heavy. He sighed and looked at the time. He was late for school, again, but he didn't care. He got dressed in his black pants and sweater, taking his mother's chain with him, putting it on his belt. He brushed his hair and sighed a little again and took his bag, going to school without having breakfast. He decided he would just get it over with and tell the girl of his dreams how he felt. She couldn't say more than no, right, so what had he to lose..

He came into class and went over to her. "Hey, uhm...I...just wanted to say that I like you. A lot." He said and saw her face turn motionless. "I'm sorry, but I can't be with you. My father wants me to marry a noble." "'s fine. Still...thanks for listening to me." He said and went to his seat in the back. He tried to keep his gaze up and concentrate on class when it started once more.

The teacher of course didn't approve of him being late again and gave him detention, which he didn't really care about anyways. He was too lost in thought. He was alone now. Well, he still had his father, but the other had never cared for him much. Only when he had needed something from him. The other had also abused him without his mother's notice. Allen had never brought the matter to her, since he hadn't wanted her to worry.

After school, he went home, only to find his father drunk again. The other went mad when he saw him, and beat him up as always. Allen went to wash himself afterwards, wash the blood off his wounds before he simply went to bed once more, letting his mind wander. He wondered what he had left to fight and live for, now that his mother was gone and the love of his life rejected him. He couldn't quite find anything.

After a while he fell asleep and dreamed of a world where there was no pain and suffering. Only peace. And love, and laughter...


Hello there thank you all for being so patient. It's been quite the while since I updated this story. I will finish this one up this week, that's a promise. Excuse me for taking so long, I've been busy a lot. Thanks so much again for your patience.

And please keep in mind, that Undertaker died a few centuries before Grell, so please don't wonder why they aren't in school together. XD

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