Part III: Undertaker

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The next morning, Allen woke up and got ready to go outside, wishing to escape this house as fast as possible. He got dressed in his usual, all black attire, taking the chain of his mother as well, his heirloom of sorts. He went downstairs, and was of course discovered by his father. "Where are you going?" The other asked. "Outside." Allen replied and went to the door, but was pulled back by his father and thrown onto the floor. "No you don't." The man said and started beating him again.

This time however, Allen fought back and was able to escape through the front door. He ran far from his home, into the park at the other end of town, where he sat down on a bench. He held his mother's chain in hand and couldn't stop himself from crying this time. He missed her.

"Look who we have here..." He heard a familiar voice say. "The freak who thought the Earl's daughter would go out with him." It was one of his bullies. Of course, accompanied by his gang, who soon enough joined into the taunting. Allen soon had enough and went to leave, which the bullies of course didn't allow, circling him.

Soon enough, they dragged him to a nearby junkyard, where they started beating him up. He tried to fight back, but got his clothes ripped off him and tied up with a string of barbed wire, where he struggled to get out of again. They laughed and left him there. After half an hour he got out, blood oozing from the cuts and wounds it left all over his body. His left eye had ended up blind from this and he looked down. He put his torn clothes back on and grabbed the chain before trotting back to where his home was.

It was already dark at this point and when he came to the London Bridge, he stopped. He thought about his father who would be waiting at home for him, the bullies that would give him further troubles at school and decided it was just not worth the troubles anymore. He looked at the heirloom he had from his mother and felt tears running down his face again. He hissed a bit at the pain it caused him when they ran over his wounds.

"Maybe I should just give up. They won't miss me anyways." He mumbled. He looked over at the bridge. He thought for a while before making his decision. He went over and walked over to the railing, walking along it for a while before stopping at about the middle of it. He climbed over the railing, standing on the outside of it now.

He looked up at the sky as the first few raindrops fell. "I'm sorry, mother...but I can't take this pain anymore..." He whispered and cried still. He secured the chain to his belt so it wouldn't rip off. He sighed softly before wiping his tear and blood stained face and looked down after.

He then let himself fall, down into the water, where he let himself drown. He felt his lungs painfully fill up with water as consciousness slipped from his grasp. A weak smile on his lips as he let his eyes slip closed and he embraced the darkness that took him...


And there you have it my folks. Yes, they both turned into reapers after that, went to the reaper academy and got their diploma. You know the rest heh. Sorry it was so sad. But I told you in advance it would be, so don't blame me if you cried. Please have a good rest of your weekend and enjoy your day. I will see you around.

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