Chap. 2

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"Come on Pequeño oso! We got school...!" Alejandro was wearing a Dino onesie, but he was crying. He never did like leaving his momma.

"It's gonna be ok, I promise. Mrs. Lee has my phone number and she knows sign so just tell her you want to call me and I'll pick up before you can say bleh."

As she walked to the day care, many looked at her with either disgust or interest. She didn't notice though.

"Mommy loves you! I love you so, so, so much! Call me if he starts to cry." Arista spoke in a baby voice to her son but quickly changed it when she spoke to the lady who owned the day care, Mrs. Lee. "Thank you again, Mrs. Lee. This is really gonna help me." She flashed a quick smile before turning to leave.

"LOVE YOU!" Alejandro's lip quivered when his mom wasn't in view any more "hey, hey little man! It'll be ok. Mommy'll come back after her school is over!"

"Woah who's that hottie?" "Who's she?!" "I would tap that."

'I really, really hate boys.' Arista rolled her eyes and continued to her new classroom. Fashion department.

"Wait out here until I call you. You're a little late so the other new kid already introduced himself. "Ok... wait fo I have to say my full name when I introduce myself?" The teacher looked at her annoyed and said yes.

"We have another new student. Come in." When she walked in the semi loud class it went quiet.

'Omg who is that?! She's so pretty!' 'Grrr she'll definitely steal the Daniel!'
'She's smoking hot!' 'I gotta get her number' '...?!'

"Hello, I'm Arista Aquata Luna Pérez Cruz... it's a long long name so you could call me Rista or Aqua if you want." Some blink a couple of times from how long her name was, "you can see over there."

The seat was next to a blond who's bangs covered his eyes, "hello, what's your name?" Arista's new seat mate made a x over his mouth. "Oh! Do you know sign language?" The blond nodded with what she guessed was a confused look.

"So your name?" "I'm Jay. Can I call you Arista?" "Oh of course! I don't really care what people call me." Jay smiled at the girl. He was having some mixed emotions with Daniel and Arista, finding both very attractive.

"How did you learn to sign?" Jay asked with a smile, "I have a son whose deaf in one ear and I learned it because I was afraid his other ear would go deaf later in life." Jay was definitely shocked.

"Is the father in your life?" 'WHY WOULD YOU ASK HER THAT?!' While Jay was internally freaking out, him and Arista didn't notice the attention of all of the guys, even some girls, were blushing when they seen her smile. She was just too cute for her own good.

"No, but he has my Grandfather as a dad figure, and if he passes early then I'll just be a mom and dad for him." Jay smiled at her 'she's definitely stronger than most.'


Arista had made too many shrimp tacos for dinner so she brought the leftovers for her lunch. All the boys and girls were staring at her and Daniel, who was also staring at her. She didn't even notice how one boy fell out of his seat looking at her ass.

"Hey! You're new right? I don't think I've seen you before." A group of girls came up to her. Arista could tell they were more on the 'popular' side but not for being pretty, they were pretty though, but for being mean to the 'ugly and fat' girls.

"Yeah, I moved here a couple of months ago." 'Just try to get them to go away.' "Oh where did you move from?" One on the right asked as they sat down. "I was born in Mexico but lived in Louisiana for a couple years."

Thankfully they only asked the basic questions. They weren't too pushy when. It wasn't until their 'leader' asked is Alejandro was her brother.

"No actually, he's my son." The three looked disgusted and the ones who were around them looked at her shocked. "So, you're a narco's slut?!"

"Excuse me bitch?"

And that kids is when the girl knew, she fucked up.

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