Chapter 3: Chief Paged (Parts 3&4)

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Soon it was going to be the end of my first twenty four hours and in another day I could go home get some much needed sleep. Every time I tried to take a power nap I was paged and told to run labs.

Dr. Robbins may have been my attending, but apparently Dr. Alex Karev likes to utilize any interns he can. I had been running labs for both attendings all day and hadn't even gotten to see one surgery!

So much for being a surgeon.

I did however enjoy being around the tiny humans as Arizona called them. They're all just so strong and make you want to believe in anything. I was on night rounds with Arizona, Jo, and Ross when I felt my pager buzzing. I looked down to see that Chief Bailey paged and I immediately looked up to Dr. Robbins. What could she want?

"Who is it Montgomery-Sloan?" She asked stopping all of us in our tracks.

"It's Chief Bailey, Dr. Robbins." Arizona gave me a soft smile and nodded.

"Wilson, take her charts please." Jo came very close to me and whispered angrily. "So much for no special treatment." I scoffed and headed to Bailey's office. What could I have possibly done on my first day to be summoned by the Chief?

I hadn't messed up any labs to my knowledge and when I was in the pit no one complained when I sutured their wounds. I had flawless technique, not that it mattered.

I wasn't trying to show off and I didn't take any unnecessary breaks. I hadn't even seen my parents all day! I was working hard. I couldn't have done something terrible. Could I? My nerves started to kick in as I ran up the stairs because taking the elevator was way too freaking nerve wracking.

When I reached Bailey's office the only person there was Aunt Meredith. She looked nervous which was highly uncharacteristic. The other interns called her Medusa, but right now she did not look like she could turn anyone to stone.

"Aunt Mer, what's the matter? I was paged by Chief Bailey, but she's clearly not here." I said worriedly. Aunt Mer took a deep breath tying up her dirty blond hair into a ponytail.

"Look y/n, I have to go. Stay here until someone comes to get you. I brought you a strawberry banana smoothie." And with that Aunt Meredith left.

She didn't even tell me what's going on! I took the smoothie and drank it instantly feeling calm. It was my favorite smoothie. Something is definitely wrong if she knew I'd need a smoothie. Damn.

Sitting in Bailey's office was so boring. There was nothing for me to do, but eventually sitting in one position for hours I began to feel sleepy. I'm not sure how long I slept, but the loud clacking of heels woke me up. They're mom's heels! I'd know that sound anywhere.

I rubbed my eyes as she came into the office. Even from afar I could see that her cheeks were tear stained. I bolted up from my seat and walked towards her.

"Mom, what's wrong. Why am I stuck here?" She threw her arms around me allowing me to hold her as she burst into tears. My mother, the Dr. Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery, never cried like this. Sure she has cried, but never did she dare let me see her this torn up. She hated when I saw her cry. It's a mom thing I guess.

I did the only thing I could and held my mom tightly until her breathing regulated.

"It's your father, y/n. He's been in an accident." Everything immediately went silent. I no longer heard my mother sniffling or the bustling on the floors below. All I could hear was white noise.

"Take me to dad." With every step I took the numbness in my body seemed to dissipate until I reached my dad's hospital room. My dad worked in a hospital. He was always strong and healthy, not the one hurt! A few people were in the room and stood up uneasily as I entered the room.

"Dad?" I whispered. I wasn't sure if he could hear me or feel my hand in his, but I shed silent tears as I turned to Uncle Derek.

"What the hell happened to my dad?" I wasn't angry, just scared but I'm sure Uncle Derek knew the difference. Uncle Derek was always someone I felt safe with and I was rarely angry at him.

"Y/n, he was in a car accident." Uncle Derek's voice was soft as he himself was clearly upset. His best friend was lying in a hospital bed! Of course Uncle Derek was upset.

Dad was laying there clearly alive, but not at all my lively smirking dad. My dad was supposed to be working all day. He had three surgeries lined up. There was no reason for him to leave the hospital!

"We were able to stabilize him after attending to his internal injuries and remove the glass from his body. He was thrown through his windshield y/n." Thrown through a windshield?! How does this even happen? I know how, but Aunt Mer's words were not sinking in.

"Then why is he in a coma?"

"When your dad came in he had a head lac so we gave him a head CT and we were able to catch a benign brain tumor. He's gone through brain surgery and had a collar bone repair. He's been through a lot y/n." Uncle Derek continued finally giving me more information.

"But he's going to be okay right?" I asked hopefully. My dad's a Sloan and he's the strongest man I've ever met, but Derek's uncertainty was deafening.

"We don't know y/n. He was under for a long time, and we just barely managed to stabilize him." I knew what that meant, but I couldn't put it into words.

"Uncle Derek are you telling me what I think you're telling me?" He nodded with tears in his eyes. My father, Mark Everett Sloan, was in a coma and according to Uncle Derek if- no when he wakes up, he most likely won't be my father anymore.

"Is he brain dead?" I asked just barely above a whisper. Uncle Derek didn't respond.

"Y/n he's not brain dead, but there is a possibility that he won't remember who he is when he wakes up." Aunt Amelia said from behind Derek. Amelia was always the positive one so with both of them saying the same thing I knew it was serious.

"Do you think he'll remember?" It was an impossible question, but I wanted- no needed an answer.

"If I know Mark Sloan like I do I think he'll fight like hell to remember his wife and kids. All of his kids." I smiled up at Amelia. I knew she was lying her ass off considering she had no concrete information for me, but it made me feel better.

"Do they know, Lexie and my siblings? Do they know he's here?" Suddenly the sad image of the twins, Sofia, and Luke crying by our dad's bedside flooded my mind and I didn't want them to have to go through this.

I'm an adult and if seeing dad like this makes me upset I can only imagine how this would break their hearts.

"Sofia and Callie are flying from New York now. They'll be here in a few hours. Lexie is in surgery that should be finishing any minute then she'll be told. I'm not sure how she'll tell the kids, but I'm sure they'll visit at some point." I nodded slowly at my mom's words.

"I'd like a minute alone with my dad please." Everyone shuffled out of the room quietly leaving me to be with my dad. Only now could I get a close look at him. He looked super small and pale hooked up to a ventilator. It was so unlike him, but at least his hand felt warm and comforting.

"Dad, I don't know if you can hear me, but I need you to fight. I know you're a Sloan and you're strong, but I'm asking you to fight even though I know it's selfish to ask. Don't let your kids grow up without a dad. They need you. I need you dad. Daddy please stay alive." I kissed his forehead softly before leaving the room.

Just as I was leaving the room Lexie rushed in with Meredith at her side. I'm sure she was beyond shocked to find her husband of six years lying in a bed on a ventilator in a coma, but I didn't stay to find out.

It was too hard to stay. I need to room breath. And I had to talk to the chief.

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