Safe & Recovering

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!!!TW!!!: suicidal tendencies; thoughts of self harm; suicide attempt. DO NOT READ IF THESE TRIGGER YOU.


Malfoy had called in sick for the rest of the week, according to Taura. Hermione wouldn't admit it to herself, but every morning since their almost kiss, she tried to look her best and even dabbled with makeup.

She wanted to see him and every morning she hoped he would be sitting at his desk, lost in thought writing notes upon notes for her to read. She still hadn't read his first notes that he'd given her because she was still trying to go over the texts she'd already read a second time so the work and notes are thorough.

A knock on the door filled Hermione's ears.

She somewhat panicked. She straightened out her outfit and sat in a proper manner. "Hermione." She heard a familiar voice purr. She laid her eyes on a dark haired wizard.

"Harry!" She exclaimed as she raised out of her seat to greet her friend.

They hugged and she returned back to her chair behind her desk and he on the desk chair.

They stared at each other for a couple seconds before Hermione found the words to greet him, "Harry, I'm sorry I am just so surprised. I haven't seen or heard from you for so long and I was beginning to get worried. How have you been?"

Harry laughed, "I've been a busy Auror, as I'm sure Ron as told you. Exciting to hear he gets back today."

Hermione sat and nodded, "Oh, yes, I cannot wait. Though I'm sad to hear he didn't like the dragon training." Then she grew curious, "What brings you here?"

Harry's smile turned into a line as he brought his lips between his teeth and he shifted in his seat. "I heard they assigned Malfoy to work in your sector and I just came to–um, check up on him? So to speak."

She felt as if her stomach weighed 100 tons as it sunk at the sound of his name. Why would Harry need to check up on Malfoy? She thought he was out on good behaviour. "W-why does he need to be checked in on? If that's not too much to ask."

"Well he was a Death Eater, first of all, and we need to keep some sort of contact with all of them," Harry pushed his glasses closer to the bridge of his nose while avoiding eye contact, "But, he was also on our close watch list."

"Meaning?" She grew scared. All the thoughts she had about former Death Eaters swirled around her conscience once again. He was plotting something. He wanted to gain access to confidential files. He used her. She cursed herself mentally as she waited for Harry's response.

"We have a couple reasons why people are put into close watch lists. One, for example, is deeming them to be suspicious or remaining loyal to Voldemort's wishes, I guess one would say."

Nodding was the only thing she could do at this point. Nod and listen. The little voice in the back of her head was laughing at her decision to take in a Death Eater in the first place. She knew she shouldn't have. And now what files had she exposed him to? The files of her life's work. Who knows what other files he had access to. Godric, she was dead from the neck up.

"But, there's also a close watch on those who have suicidal tendencies or thoughts of seriously injuring themselves. We, um, w-we deemed Malfoy to be one of these cases."

Her hurricane of doubts and curses stopped swirling and stood still. She looked at the Chosen One in disbelief. "Malfoy? Suicidal?" Was all she could get out. She could only picture the self-absorbed, spoiled-rotten pureblood he was in their younger years.

Harry nodded. "I'm not supposed to enclose this kind of information. But he, on multiple occasions, has attempted to end his life, alongside other former Death Eaters. I, personally, had to talk some out of making that decision. Malfoy was one of them."

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