The Recruit

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Small note: I just wanted to clear up the way I wrote the chapters so far as I have a better idea of how the plot should go. The Ministry approached those on probation who were behaving well, and gave them the option of settling the rest of their probation as an employee at the Ministry or continue the rest of their probation as is. I'll be rewriting those small parts that mention it!!


Come Monday morning, Hermione was already in her office a half hour before work actually started. She wanted to clean her office and make herself seem more organized than she was, if that was even possible.

She looked over topics that she would want her new coworker or coworkers to research, so she could focus more on the topics she'd already researched. She set aside the pile and decided to go over what S.P.E.W. strives to achieve and what their current works include. She would go over what they were expected to do and their role within the sector, and that she would check in often.

Taura knocked before she entered and Hermione quickly stood up straight with her shoulders back, but instantly loosened up as soon as she noticed that Taura was alone.

"They should be sending in the new recruit soon, I heard it's only one since the sector only needed an extra pair of hands," Taura sat down in the chair in front of Hermione's desk and Hermione sank back into her own, "I'm nervous and sort of scared. Are you?" Taura held her hands in her lap.

Hermione inhaled and exhaled, slowly nodding. "Terrified, actually, even though I would be their superior. I always think I'm braver than I actually am." She smiled and looked down.

"Excuse my French, but that's completely bullshit. You are as brave as you think you are and even more so. Merlin, Hermione, you robbed a bank and rode a bloody dragon. The bravest thing I've done was get over my fear of deep water when I'd gone kayaking in Canada. I had 3 life jackets on and still bawled my eyes out." Taura giggled.

Hermione laughed at the thought of Taura crying as she paddled. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Hermione and Taura looked at each other and gave each other a nod. Taura stood and opened the door to Kingsley.

"Ms. Granger, Ms. McLeod, I brought you your recruit." Kingsley said as he stood aside.

Please don't be Blaise. Please don't be Blaise.

Draco Malfoy strolled into the doorframe, looking emotionless and already bored.

Hermione maintained her composure as she did on Friday, half wanting to hex him until he was choking on slugs and half, but more like an eighth, grateful for his actions when they got caught by the Snatchers in 7th year.

He looked around Hermione's office and then at Taura, sticking out a hand. "I don't believe we've met, I'm Draco Malfoy." They shook hands lightly. "Taura McLeod." She replied.

Merlin, she would accept Blaise over this git.

Draco stepped into the room further until he was in front of Hermione and shot out his hand. "Granger." He said rather coldly and quickly. She hesitated as if he would hex her in her own office before she reached out and shook his hand, "Malfoy."

Kingsley nodded to both Taura and her before he exited. Malfoy sat in one of the chairs before Hermione and awaited his orders. He barely looked and her, constantly darting his eyes all over her office instead of her just as he did last Friday, seeming more impatient than nervous.

Hermione and Taura sat. "Alright, Malfoy." She collected the pile that she's organized for him and set them toward him. He seemed cold and uninterested, sitting completely still in his seat.

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