Chaotic and Dangerous

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Light green was the colour of his eyes when he said the vile words Hermione never thought she'd hear from his mouth.

Not his usual green either; a glowing green, an iridescent green. His skin turned a cold gray and his veins were protruding as if his entire body would explode if he didn't spit the phrase at Hermione. She was able to notice these features as he continued to stare at her in disgust.

Everyone gasped and stumbled back in fear as Harry sat up inches away from Hermione's face. If his arms weren't restricted by cuffs attached to the bed, she was certain his hands would have been squeezing her larynx.

"Ms. Granger, we've been monitoring him since he first started showing these symptoms. A more advanced and experienced team is on the way. I'm sorry, but there's nothing more we can do at this point. We are unaware of what is causing Mr. Potter to behave in such a manner." A healer explained outside Harry's room.

"But the way he spoke, Miss. I've witnessed it before." Hermione pushed in hopes of raising the severity of Harry's situation to the level it should be at.

"Witnessed it when?" The nurse replied, seeming annoyed.

Hermione hesitated. She knew she shouldn't bring her wild theory up with Harry's healers. But he needed all the help he could get. "When You-Know-Who was still alive." She confessed.

The healer huffed. "Ms. Granger, Voldemort has been dead for more than two years now. Suggesting that Harry is feeling this way because of him is quite silly and frankly, unbelievable. Harry will be okay." She nodded as she walked off.

Harry was going to be okay, Hermione thought but didn't fully believe. He was now laying unconscious once again, his heart rate and blood pressure levels were back to normal.

She stood at the side of his bed, just staring at him.

"Seriously, Harry. What's going on in that head?" She whispered as she stared at his darting eyes and beads of sweat that formed on his forehead.

It was now the afternoon and she would miss a whole day of work if she didn't get back to the Ministry within the hour.

She hugged Ginny and said an awkward goodbye to Ron before flooing back to the Ministry. She was in a daze, still experiencing the aftershocks of her incident with Harry. She doesn't even pay attention to the passerby's and the conversations she overhears as she makes her way back to her office. Her eyes wandered, but didn't truly see. The conversations she heard with merely background noise.

The silence her office held almost came as sanctuary. As luck would have it, it didn't last long. A knock rang at her door.

Clearing her throat, she answered, "Come in!" In her most polite tone.

Malfoy peeked his head, not fully coming in, almost looking nervous. "I saw you walking in. Is it a bad time?" He asked quite considerately, it completely surprised her.

Not knowing how to respond to his sudden kindness, she took a couple seconds before she could reply. "Uh—Not at all, yes, come in."

He slowly made his way in and sat in one of her chairs, not looking at her.

She suppressed her current feelings, assuming he wanted to talk about something regarding their work and the upcoming Wizengamot dates. With a deep inhale, she put on a fake, toothless smile. "What did I miss today, Malfoy?"

"Not much, actually. They had terrible sandwiches at the cafeteria today. I actually just wanted to ask how Potter was."

Her eyes darted up to him at the sound of his name. Malfoy's eyes fleeted from her eyes to the floor and back to hers again. She looked for a sign of disingenuousness for at least a couple seconds. Finding nothing, she gave in. He did, after all, visit Harry in the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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