Memory Lane

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She stared and stared into the ocean and its whitecaps that were Draco Malfoy's eyes with fire within her own. Blaise Zabini sat beside him.

Malfoy stared back at her with sunken eyes and hollow cheekbones, looking frail and paler. And Zabini looked like he hadn't slept since the War ended, or even drank a cup of water since then.

His body suddenly stiffening in his seat, Malfoy looked quickly towards Blaise, Kingsley, Kingsley's desk, the floor, and at anything but her. His breath quickened and he took a few faulty breaths before he looked back at her.

She felt uncomfortable, angry, scared, loathsome, and completely betrayed all at once amongst many other emotions at the pit of her stomach.

She recollected herself and brought her attention to Kingsley, "I wasn't aware you had guests. Should I come back to complain later on?" She asked Kingsley sternly, attempting to maintain composure and professionalism while in the presence of the former Death Eater and supporter.

Kingsley Shacklebolt and she fought alongside each other in the War. They grew a relationship close to the one she had with Albus Dumbledore, a sort of mentorship that Hermione valued.

Kingsley stood up and walked towards her, "Hermione, I apologize to have sprung this on you." He looked back at the two, "I'll be back, stay seated please."

He guided Hermione outside and stepped out of the office, shutting the door behind them. Hermione swivelled to stare at the Minister. "Why wasn't I informed of this, Kingsley? I had to find out from Taura that this has been in the works for a while." She snarked.

Kingsley nodded calmly, "You were not informed because I wanted to make sure that none would be placed in your sector before I told you. We've been extremely short-handed in many other departments, and we considered the challenges former Death Eaters may face when trying to fit back into this society. So, we decided to recruit those who were doing well and give them a chance to redeem themselves, so to speak." He put a hand on her arm, "I understand your feelings toward them, and I am aware of what you went through. You are not to worry, as you will not be having to be in contact with any of them."

Hermione listened and felt a small wave of relief as she learned none would be placed in her sector and she would not have to interact with them as if they were any other employee. However, she was still skeptical. "How do you know you can trust them?"

"If problems do arise, they will be put back onto probation. They were given this opportunity strictly to integrate them back into society, we did not make this decision on a whim. We gave them a choice of either working here for a while and abide by additional rules to build their resume or continue their probation, and many chose this option."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Just because they chose to work here does not mean they don't hold the same beliefs and values as before. They could be wanting to get off probation so they can–"

Kingsley held her shoulders firmly. "Hermione, they are not fighting against us anymore. They are compliant and wanting their lives to be normal again. Most former Death Eaters were the products of prejudiced pureblood parents who had followed Voldemort when he murdered Harry's parents. They did not have any other influences to tell them any different, and they realize this now and take full responsibility for their actions. You have nothing to worry about."

Hermione's shoulders slumped as she exhaled and nodded, listening closely to his words. "Okay," she breathed, burning a hole in the small white speck on her shoe that she just noticed. If the Minister trusted them this much, maybe, possibly, she could as well. That doesn't mean she'll try to befriend or even be acquainted with them.

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