Chapter 38- Hiatus

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*Alicia POV*

*Later That Night*

After racking my brain for a while, i decided that i really do want to come back to this job. It has been everything i have worked so hard and long for. I couldn't just throw it away.

I began to get excited thinking about coming back. I know i still had a few good years left in me. My heart was longing for wrestling, i had just stuffed away the emotions and replaced them with my motherhood responsibilities.

I wasn't just going to abandon all of my duties as a mom. I made it a point to set a limit in my mind, no more crazy tours. I might do two or so shows a week.

I anxiously awaited for Randy to come home. I had really been missing him and i was so excited to tell him all about my decision, as well as my radio interview.

As soon as i heard the click of keys and the door open, i flung myself up and onto him. "Well hey baby," Randy said warmly as he lifted me up, greeting me with a soft kiss.

"I missed you," i replied softly. He smelled so good, like i just wanted to be nuzzled in his neck forever.

"I missed you too. How was your interview?" he asked as he set down his bags and led me to the couch.

"It went great. I was really happy to talk about wrestling and super excited that i got to see Chris again," I admitted happily.

"He really is such a great guy. I'm glad you had a great day," he said.

"I wanna tell you something," i said as i held his hand.


"I'm coming back to WWE," i announced.

Randy's expression instantly lit up, "That makes me so happy Alicia. I know how much you have been longing to come back. And i love seeing you at your happiest."

At that moment i felt my heart get heavy. Here in front of me was a man who loved to see ME happy. He supported my decisions and me chasing my dreams.

I began to tear up.

"Woah whats wrong baby?"

"I am so very lucky," i said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Randy asked as he brushed the hair out of my face and kissed my forehead softly.

"You are the greatest thing to happen to me. I have never been with someone who is genuinely glad to see me so happy. I have never been with someone who truly cares like you do. I am blessed," i admitted.

"Alicia, i love you with all my heart. You are everything i have ever wanted in life. I have waited to very long to be with you. Now the time is flying and i couldn't be happier," he said.

"I love you," i replied as he picked me up and carried me to our bedroom.

As he set me down we began passionately kissing as my heart was racing. This man sent chills down my spine just by his touch. It was gentle, just a sense of roughness with his kiss. I craved his affection.

*Next Afternoon*

I had a meeting with Stephanie and Paul to discuss my contract. I dressed up in my nicest blouse and black dress pants. I slipped on my black peep toe pumps and straightened my hair.

I drove straight to the office and made it in record time.

"Alicia Marquez here for Stephanie and Paul," i said.

"Conference room 202," the receptionist said sweetly.

"Hey Alicia, good to see you," Steph said as i entered the room. I was a little nervous, frankly.

"Thank you! Likewise," i replied.

"Now lets get down to business," Paul suggested.

i nodded my head in agreeance. "We drew up a contract of sorts for you to take a look at and review," Steph said.

I took a look at it and the stipulations; my usual salary, cut down on shows, time off when needed, storylines, locked in for 1 year.

"Now here it says cut down of shows," i pointed out. "What exactly does that mean as far as a numerical value?"

"We are thinking house shows every other week and Raw, Smackdown, Main event. You'll be on 2 of those three main shows every week if need be," Paul said.

"Fair enough. Now if i want this deal to go longer than a year, are you guys open to an extension?" i asked.

"Of course. You have been our best female talent for a long time. As long as things go well, we will be open to negotiation," Stephanie assured me.

"Now how does Phil feel about this in regards to Autumn?" Paul asked.

"We haven't talked about it much, but my travel schedule will fit in to when he has her. I will make it work."

"Then i think we have a deal. If you'll just sign the contract, we have it solid,"she said.

I signed my name on the dotted lines and my heart was happy again. "We are looking into an April return for you. Currently in the works planning," Paul said happily.

"Thank you both so very much!" i said.

*Later that night*

Randy decided to take me out to dinner to celebrate and told me to dress my nicest. I had on a knee length black long sleeve dress and silver strappy pumps. My hair was curled loosely and i felt so beautiful.

When Randy saw me, his jaw dropped, "I am winning."

He makes me feel so beautiful all the time and i couldn't be more content with my life right now. I was missing my baby, but still excited to be with Randy.

"I couldn't be happier," i said in the midst of dinner.

"I am excited for this next chapter with you," Randy said sweetly.

"Me too," i replied.

We took a picture kissing together and i posted it on twitter and instagram;

I truly am winning #loveofmylife #datenight

"How did i end up getting so lucky?" he asked.

"Not sure, i feel like the lucky one," i said as i rested my hands on his across the table.

"I am really grateful for you. I haven't been this happy in a long time," he said after we left the restauraunt and walked around the lit up town square.

"I wanna take a second," he said.

"For?" i asked.

"I know this is a little sudden, but you make me complete. I wanna be with you for a long time. This isn't an engagement ring, but once you get the divorce sorted out, will you be mine forever?" he asked as he got down on one knee.

My eyes welled up with tears. I had the best thing to ever happen to me, asking for me to be his forever. Of course.

I couldn't ask for a more complete life.






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