Chapter 18; Strength

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*Phil's POV (CM Punk)*

During the entire ceremony i felt my heart racing. I had been waiting for this moment ever since we began dating. I had never been more sure of anything in my life.

I realized the day that she left that i had made a mistake. We both had, for that matter. I could forgive her for what happened with Randy. I didn't want to spend days and weeks in angst about the whole thing. 

I knew that she didn't do it intentionally. I love her very much and i can see that she loves me too. I was hoping that she'd say yes when i flew out here.

The wedding was pretty kickass considering i threw it all together rather quick. All of our friends jumped at the idea of flying out for a day or two.

I was really glad that they could all come out. Also, i was happy that the wedding was pretty small and only our closest friends could come out. Neither of us wanted some huge wedding with a bunch of people.

We had a lot of pictures taken, but won't post them until we announce that we got married. After we exchanged vows, it all hit me. 

I was now married to the woman that i love more than anything. We all walked back to the beachouse wedding area and had the reception there. 

Our reception food was a never ending buffet style lineup. There was every type of food imaginable. We had some portraits done as well during the reception. 

"Are you ready to cut the cake?" i asked Alicia with a cheesy grin.

"Always ready," she replied with a wink as she took my hand and led me to the cake.

The wedding cake was a three tiered vanilla masterpiece. It had a lot of cool lace detailing and had our names frosted onto it as well. It was fairly simple, and that's what i liked about it.

We sliced into the cake as Nikki and Brie took pictures of it all. We each took a piece of the cake and went to feed it to each other.

"I swear if you smash this in my face," Alicia warned with a laugh.

On the count of three, the two of us smashed it in each other's face as we both died of laughter. After wiping the cake off, we had our first dance together.

It was to a quiet song as everyone sat down and watched. "This is amazing," she whispered.

"What is babe?" i asked as i held onto her tight.

"All of this. I never thought that we would make it here after what happened," she admitted.

"I'm glad we did," i replied.

"I love you so much Phil. You have no idea," she said as she sniffed a tear back.

"I love you too my girl. I am so glad that i can call you my wife. Before i met you, i wanted nothing to do with marriage. You have changed my outlook," i said as i felt her soft breaths on my neck.

"This all means so much to me. I can't wait to see what marriage has in store for us," she said.

"Me too. Thank you for opening my eyes," i said as i felt her grasp tighten.

"I love you Mr. Brooks," she said as she kissed my lips softly.

I looked right into her bright blue eyes and fell in love all over again. Those were the same blue eyes that caught my attention several years ago when i first met her. They are still so beautiful.

"I love more Mrs. Brooks," i replied as i held her hands.

*Alicia POV*

After our first dance, Phil and John went out on the dance floor with Nattie and Brie. They were dancing to some fast song and i couldn't help but laugh.

Stay With Me (CM Punk Love Story) ~Torn Between Two Sequel~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang