Chapter 1 ~ Just My Luck

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Sunday 8:45 PM
Today I got hired at Dreamtronics, one of the best companies on the east coast, but tonight, I Celebrate with my two best friends.
Cassidy: Congratulations, y/n!!!
Derek: Yeah, Congrats, Dude.
They both sit right beside you, waiting for your drinks.
Cassidy: So are you nervous?
Derek: Cass, what kind of question is that?
Y/N: yeah, I'm nervous, but I have been waiting for this moment since we graduated college.
Cassidy: Don't be nervous. You got this. You wouldn't have been hired if you didn't have to skills for the job.
Y/N: yeah, you're right.
The Bartender brings your drinks, and you thank them, and about twenty minutes go by.
Derek: I'll be right back. I have to refill the meter.
He leaves his drink and goes outside.
Cassidy: why did we go to the bar to celebrate? We could have stayed home.
Y/N: I wanted to enjoy the outdoors for once.
Cassidy: by going back indoors?
Y/N: okay, I just wanted something that isn't from our houses.
Cassidy: Yeah, whatever, I'm going to the bathroom, don't cause trouble.
They leave, heading towards the bathroom. You order another drink after you finish, you stand up and head outside.
Y/N: Holy Smokes, it cold out here.
You start walking towards where Derek parked, but you bumped into someone knocking you both down.
Y/N: shit, I'm sorry.
Stranger: Watch where you're going, shithead.
You look at him, his brown wavy hair, brown eyes, and he seems like he's going to a fancy party or something.
Y/N: I said I was sorry.
You stand up and offer your hand to him. He smacks it out of the way and gets up on his own he checks his now broken watch.
Stranger: shit, look what you did.
He pushes you back onto the ground.
Y/N: what the hell.
Stranger: You broke my watch because you weren't watching where you were going.
He checks his phone and quickly leaves.
Y/N: what was his problem.
Then Derek comes from around the corner and runs towards you.
Derek: what are you doing on the ground?
He helps you up, and you dust yourself off.
Y/N: I'm fine, just lost my footing.
Derek: where's Cass?
Y/N: They are still inside.
Derek: here the keys. I'll get them.
He went inside, and you started going towards the car.
Y/N: That guy was pissed at me over a watch. I could have brought him a new one shit I hope I don't run into him again.
You reach the car, open the door and sit while listening to the radio.
Y/N: What should I get Derek for his birthday next week.
You hear the car door open up.
Cassidy: I'm so tired. Stop me off first, so I can just belly flop onto my bed.
Derek: Sure you don't mind y/n.
Y/N: no, I don't mind.
You pass him the keys, and he starts the car up.
Cassidy: so what we doing on your birthday Derek?
Derek: I'm spending time with my family this year.
Y/N: on your twenty-fifth birthday.
Derek: Yeah, but I'll celebrate with you guys the day before, I guess.
The car stops at Cassidy's house.
Cassidy: good night, my beautiful people. Enjoy the rest of your night.
You both say goodbye to them, and Derek continues driving.
Derek: so you want to talk about what happened at the bar.
Y/N: I told you I fell.
Derek: I saw you bump into that guy.
Y/N: Shit, okay, we did bump into each other, and I broke his watch, and he was pissed at me that I broke it, but he just suddenly left.
Derek: You need to be more careful, man.
Y/N: it's not like I'm going to run into him again.
Derek: you don't know that.
You finally pull up at your apartment.
Y/N: thank you for the ride, Derek.
Derek: of course, and good luck on your first day.
You get out of the car and head inside. Once you reached your room, you took a long shower are a small diner and laid in bed, slowly closing your eyes to sleep.
Monday 6:45 AM
You wake up pretty early in the morning, the sun is just coming up, and you do your morning stretches, and you start getting dressed.
Y/N: okay, I'll be fine, just the first-day jitters.
You finished getting dressed and headed out the door. You quickly go to the bus stop.
Y/N: I'm a bit early bus won't be here for another five minutes.
You check your phone; you got three notifications from Derek, You Mom, and Cassidy.
[Derek: Good luck Today, Brother <3]
[Mom: Have A Good Day, sweetie, and come pick up something to eat on the way home, okay.]
[Cassidy: Don't Die.]
You smile at those texts, and the bus finally arrives. You get on and ride until your stop. Once you get off, you check your phone won't on the way to the building and, of course, not looking, you bump into someone knocking you to the ground.
Y/N: damit, not again.
Stranger: not you again.
You look up to it's the stranger from last night. You quickly get yourself up.
Y/N: it's you, hey.
Stranger: don't tell me you work here?
Y/N: my first day, in fact.
Stranger: just my luck.
He walks inside, and you follow him.
Reception Lady: Good Morning, Tom and New Person.
Y/N: Tom.
Tom: Morning, Jessie, is my Dad here?
Jessie: Yeah, he's in his office.
Tom leaves into the elevator.
Jessie: You must be y/n welcome.
She gives you your work ID and tells you where your boss's office. You take the elevator there, and you wait outside his office. After about ten to fifteen minutes, Tom walks out of the room and fixes his tie. He looks at you and walks away.
Y/N: ok y/n, you got this.
You walk into his office, and he welcomes you in as you sit down.
Boss: did you see my son out there? He was just in here talking some crazy mess, and I'm hoping he didn't seem upset him too much.
Y/N: you mean Tom.
Boss: oh, then you both meet each other good, he'll be your guide once he returns.
You half smile your Nervous even more, not that you know you upset your boss's son.

My Bosses Son (Tom Holland x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now